Scopri la formazione Google Cloud a modo tuo.

Con oltre 980 attività di apprendimento tra cui scegliere, Google Cloud ha progettato il nostro catalogo completo pensando a te. Il catalogo è composto da una varietà di formati di attività tra cui scegliere. Scegli tra piccoli laboratori individuali o corsi multimodulo composti da video, documenti, laboratori e quiz. I nostri laboratori ti forniscono credenziali temporanee per risorse cloud reali, così puoi imparare a utilizzare Google Cloud com'è davvero. Guadagna badge per ciò che completi, definisci, monitora e misura il tuo successo con Google Cloud.

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73 risultati

  1. Lab In primo piano

    Ingesting FHIR Data with the Healthcare API

    In this lab you will learn the basic functionalities of Cloud Healthcare API using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability (FHIR) data model.

  2. Lab In primo piano

    Exploring Dataset Metadata Between Projects with Data Catalog

    In this lab, you will explore existing datasets with Data Catalog and mine the table and column metadata for insights.

  3. Learning Path In primo piano

    Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path

    Un Machine Learning Engineer progetta, crea, mette in produzione, ottimizza, gestisce e si occupa della manutenzione dei sistemi di machine learning. Questo percorso di apprendimento ti guida attraverso una raccolta selezionata di corsi on demand, lab e badge delle competenze che ti offrono esperienza pratica …

  4. Lab In primo piano

    Data Catalog: Qwik Start

    In this lab, you explore existing datasets with Data Catalog and mine the table and column metadata for insights.

  5. Lab In primo piano

    Tag and Discover BigLake Data: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Tag and Discover BigLake Data course. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  6. Lab In primo piano

    Secure BigLake Data: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Secure BigLake Data quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  7. Lab In primo piano

    Deploy Go Apps on Google Cloud Serverless Platforms

    Use GO (golang) to deploy an app on App Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions using Cloud Build

  8. Corso In primo piano

    Share Data Using Google Data Cloud

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Share Data Using Google Data Cloud course, where you will gain practical experience with Google Cloud Data Sharing Partners, which have proprietary datasets that customers can use for their analytics use cases. Customers subscribe to this data, query it within their own platfor…

  9. Lab In primo piano

    Configure Service Accounts and IAM for Google Cloud: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Configure Service Accounts and IAM for Google Cloud quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  10. Learning Path In primo piano

    Public Sector Learning Path

    The Public Sector learning path covers three key topics:Data, Security, and AI/ML in the context of public sector utilization of Google Cloud. The courses in this path pair public sector-specific coverage of a topic, such as sharing data with Dataplex and Analytics Hub, with recommendations for courses that go dee…