Scopri la formazione Google Cloud a modo tuo.

Con oltre 980 attività di apprendimento tra cui scegliere, Google Cloud ha progettato il nostro catalogo completo pensando a te. Il catalogo è composto da una varietà di formati di attività tra cui scegliere. Scegli tra piccoli laboratori individuali o corsi multimodulo composti da video, documenti, laboratori e quiz. I nostri laboratori ti forniscono credenziali temporanee per risorse cloud reali, così puoi imparare a utilizzare Google Cloud com'è davvero. Guadagna badge per ciò che completi, definisci, monitora e misura il tuo successo con Google Cloud.

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1187 risultati
  1. Lab In primo piano

    Vertex AI Tabular Data: Qwik Start

    In this lab, you will learn how to build a binary classification model from tabular data using Vertex AI.

  2. Lab In primo piano

    Configuring Private Google Access and Cloud NAT

    In this lab, you configure Private Google Access and Cloud NAT for a VM instance that doesn't have an external IP address. Then, you verify access to public IP addresses of Google APIs and services and other connections to the internet.

  3. Lab In primo piano

    Cloud DNS - Traffic Steering using Geolocation Policy

    In this lab you will configure and test the Geolocation routing policy.

  4. Lab In primo piano

    Identify different batch and streaming data sources

    Differentiate between batch and streaming data sources, formats, and frequency

  5. Lab In primo piano

    Google AppSheet: Getting Started

    Learn how to use Google AppSheet to enable everyone in your organization to build and extend applications without coding.

  6. Lab In primo piano

    Consuming Customer Specific Datasets from Data Sharing Partners using BigQuery

    In this lab you will learn how to create Data Twins for customers on Google Cloud or a different cloud service provider.

  7. Lab In primo piano

    Configuring IAM Permissions with gCloud - Azure

    In this lab introduces you will use the gcloud CLI tool to set up and configure command features of Cloud Identity and Access Management.

  8. Lab In primo piano

    HTTPS Content-Based Load Balancer with Terraform

    This lab shows you how to create a HTTPS load balancer to forward traffic to a custom URL map, which then sends traffic to the region closest to you with static assets being served from a Cloud Storage bucket.

  9. Lab In primo piano

    Create a role in Google Cloud IAM

    Create a custom role and grant access to a user.

  10. Lab In primo piano

    Hosting a Web App on Google Cloud Using Compute Engine

    In questo lab eseguirai il deployment e renderai scalabile un'app web su Google Compute Engine.