
Finden Sie die für Sie richtigen On-Demand-Lernaktivitäten. Labs sind kurze Lernaktivitäten, in denen Ihnen über einen direkten, temporären, praxisorientierten Zugriff auf echte Cloud-Ressourcen spezifische Inhalte vermittelt werden. Kurse sind längere Aktivitäten, die aus mehreren Modulen mit Videos, Dokumenten, praxisorientierten Labs und Quizaufgaben bestehen. Aufgabenreihen sind ähnlich, aber in der Regel kürzer und enthalten nur Labs.

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731 Ergebnisse

  1. Lab Tipp

    Dataplex: Qwik Start - Command Line

    This lab shows you how to get started with Dataplex using the command line by walking you through creating a lake, adding a zone, attaching and detaching assets, and deleting zones and lakes.

  2. Lab Tipp

    Generative AI: Dortmund Tour

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Dortmund

  3. Lab Tipp

    Generative AI: Munich Tour

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Munich

  4. Lab Tipp

    Generative AI: Frankfurt Tour

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Frankfurt

  5. Lab Tipp

    Service Directory: Qwik Start

    In this lab, you will configure Service Directory, configure a Service Directory DNS zone, and use Cloud Logging with Service Directory.

  6. Lab Tipp

    Configure Managed Guest Sessions and Deploy Digital Signage App on ChromeOS

    Create OUs, set up managed guest session settings for different OUs, set up a kiosk app on ChromeOS and install a virtual desktop solution (Citrix workspace).

  7. Lab Tipp

    Using Specialized Processors with Document AI (Python)

    In this lab, you will learn how to use Document AI Specialized Processors to classify and parse specialized documents with Python.

  8. Lab Tipp

    Generative AI: Stuttgart Tour

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Stuttgart

  9. Lab Tipp

    Generative AI: Leipzig Tour

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Leipzig

  10. Lab Tipp

    Monitoring and Managing Bigtable Health and Performance

    In this lab, you monitor disk and CPU usage in a Bigtable instance, update an existing cluster to apply node autoscaling, implement replication in an instance, and back up and restore data in Bigtable.