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753 results
  1. Lab Featured

    Build LookML Objects in Looker: Challenge Lab

    In this challenge lab, you test your skills in building LookML objects in Looker. You are expected to create and use dimensions, measures, views, derived tables, filters, and datagroups.

  2. Lab Featured

    Smart Canvas: Smart Chips, Templates and Collaboration in Google Docs

    In this lab, you use intelligent smart canvas features in Google Docs like smart chips and building blocks to assign tasks, track progress and collaborate across several Google Workspace apps.

  3. Lab Featured

    Process Documents with Python Using the Document AI API

    Use the Document AI API with Python to create various processors, including a general form processor and a Document OCR processor, then make synchronous and asynchronous calls to the API using Python.

  4. Lab Featured

    ETL Processing on Google Cloud Using Dataflow and BigQuery (Python)

    In this lab, you build several data pipelines that ingest and transform data from a publicly available dataset into BigQuery.

  5. Lab Featured

    Importing Data to a Firestore Database

    In this lab you will upload existing data (a CSV file) to a Firestore serverless database in the cloud.

  6. Lab Featured

    SAP Landing Zone: Plan and Deploy the SAP Network

    In this lab, students will be introduced to the key activities involved in deploying GCP network resources involved in building an “SAP Landing Zone”.

  7. Lab Featured

    Use Cloud Run Functions to Load BigQuery

    This hands-on lab shows you how to use Cloud Run functions to load data into BigQuery.

  8. Lab Featured

    Service Accounts and Roles: Fundamentals

    In this hands-on lab, you learn how to create and manage Service Accounts

  9. Lab Featured

    Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills using security and identity services with Google Cloud.

  10. Lab Featured

    Cloud Spanner - Loading Data and Performing Backups

    In this lab, you explore various ways to load data into Cloud Spanner as well as perform a backup of your database.