Découvrez les formations Google Cloud à votre manière.

Afin de répondre à vos besoins, Google Cloud a constitué un catalogue complet de plus de 980 activités de formation aux formats variés. Vous avez le choix entre de petits ateliers individuels ou des cours de plusieurs modules comprenant des vidéos, de la documentation, des ateliers et des questionnaires. Lors des ateliers, nous vous fournissons des identifiants temporaires qui vous permettent d'accéder à de vraies ressources cloud. Vous pouvez ainsi apprendre à utiliser Google Cloud en conditions réelles. Gagnez des badges pour les formations que vous terminez, définissez des objectifs, et suivez et mesurez votre progression avec Google Cloud !

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23 résultats
  1. Cours Sélection

    Deploy and Manage Apigee X

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Deploy and Manage Apigee X quest, where you learn about the Apigee X architecture, how to provision an Apigee X organization within a Google Cloud project, the management of Apigee X using the Apigee API and UI, and the use of Cloud Armor and Apigee threat protection policies t…

  2. Cours Sélection

    Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X quest, where you learn how to modernize your APIs, use service accounts and Google Authentication to securely access backend services from Apigee API proxies, productize APIs using API products and developer portals, secure APIs using featu…

  3. Atelier Sélection

    Provisioning an Apigee X Evaluation Organization

    In this lab, you use the Apigee X provisioning wizard to create an Apigee X evaluation organization (org).

  4. Atelier Sélection

    Using Google Cloud Services with Apigee X

    In this lab, you use multiple Google Cloud services from an Apigee API proxy.

  5. Atelier Sélection

    Adding an Apigee X Environment and Group

    In this lab, you add a new environment and environment group to an Apigee X evaluation org.

  6. Atelier Sélection

    Using NAT for Apigee X Backend Services

    In this lab, you enable a NAT IP address for the runtime instance. This static IP address is used when calling from Apigee X to backend services.

  7. Atelier Sélection

    Protecting APIs with Apigee X and Cloud Armor

    In this lab, you use an Apigee X threat protection policy and Cloud Armor to protect your APIs.

  8. Atelier Sélection

    Deploy and Manage Apigee X: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Deploy and Manage Apigee X course. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  9. Atelier Sélection

    Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Develop and Secure Apigee X course. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  10. Atelier Sélection

    Modernizing Applications with Apigee X

    In this lab, you deploy a backend service on Cloud Run. The backend service implements a REST API for a bank, storing customers, accounts, ATMs, and transactions in a Firestore database. You create a shared flow that retrieves and caches content from an external service. You then call that shared flow from your AP…