Descubra o treinamento do Google Cloud do seu jeito.

Com mais de 980 atividades disponíveis, nós do Google Cloud projetamos um catálogo especial para você. Ele é composto de diversos tipos de atividades para que você escolha a melhor opção. Escolha entre laboratórios individuais curtos ou cursos de vários módulos que consistem em vídeos, documentos, laboratórios e testes. Nossos laboratórios oferecem credenciais temporárias para recursos reais da nuvem, para que você aprenda a usar o Google Cloud como ele realmente é. Ganhe selos pelos cursos concluídos, defina, acompanhe e avalie seu progresso com o Google Cloud.

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65 resultados
  1. Curso Em destaque

    Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery

    In this course, we see what the common challenges faced by data analysts are and how to solve them with the big data tools on Google Cloud. You’ll pick up some SQL along the way and become very familiar with using BigQuery and Dataprep to analyze and transform your datasets. This is the first course of the From…

  2. Curso Em destaque

    BigQuery for Data Warehousing

    Quer criar ou otimizar um armazenamento de dados? Aprenda práticas recomendadas para extrair, transformar e carregar dados no Google Cloud com o BigQuery. Nesta série de laboratórios interativos, você vai criar e otimizar seu próprio armazenamento usando diversos conjuntos de dados públicos de grande escala do Big…

  3. Curso Em destaque

    Manage Data Models in Looker

    Complete the intermediate Manage Data Models in Looker skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: maintaining LookML project health; utilizing SQL runner for data validation; employing LookML best practices; optimizing queries and reports for performance; and implementing persistent derived tables and cac…

  4. Curso Em destaque

    Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

    ¨Microservices" describes a software design pattern in which an application is a collection of loosely coupled services. These services are fine-grained, and can be individually maintained and scaled. The microservices architecture is ideal for the public cloud, with its focus on elastic scaling with on-demand res…

  5. Curso Em destaque

    BigQuery Fundamentals for Redshift Professionals

    This course covers BigQuery fundamentals for professionals who are familiar with SQL-based cloud data warehouses in Redshift and want to begin working in BigQuery. Through interactive lecture content and hands-on labs, you learn how to provision resources, create and share data assets, ingest data, and optimize qu…

  6. Curso Em destaque

    BigQuery Fundamentals for Oracle Professionals

    This course covers BigQuery fundamentals for professionals who are familiar with SQL-based cloud data warehouses in Oracle and want to begin working in BigQuery. Through interactive lecture content and hands-on labs, you learn how to provision resources, create and share data assets, ingest data, and optimize quer…

  7. Curso Em destaque

    BigQuery Fundamentals for Teradata Professionals

    This course covers BigQuery fundamentals for professionals who are familiar with SQL-based cloud data warehouses in Teradata and want to begin working in BigQuery. Through interactive lecture content and hands-on labs, you learn how to provision resources, create and share data assets, ingest data, and optimize qu…

  8. Curso Em destaque

    BigQuery Fundamentals for Snowflake Professionals

    This course covers BigQuery fundamentals for professionals who are familiar with SQL-based cloud data warehouses in Snowflake and want to begin working in BigQuery. Through interactive lecture content and hands-on labs, you learn how to provision resources, create and share data assets, ingest data, and optimize q…

  9. Curso Em destaque

    Perform Predictive Data Analysis in BigQuery

    Earn the intermediate skill badge by completing the Perform Predictive Data Analysis in BigQuery course, where you will gain practical experience on the fundamentals of sports data science using BigQuery, including how to create a soccer dataset in BigQuery by importing CSV and JSON files; harness the power of Big…

  10. Laboratório Em destaque

    Criar e executar os conectores MySQL, PostgreSQL e SQLServer para o Data Catalog

    Neste laboratório, você analisará conjuntos de dados com o Data Catalog e extrairá insights da tabela e dos metadados das colunas.