Temukan pelatihan Google Cloud sesuai keinginan Anda.

Dengan lebih dari 980 aktivitas pembelajaran yang dapat dipilih, Google Cloud telah merancang katalog yang komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan Anda. Katalog ini terdiri dari berbagai format aktivitas yang dapat Anda pilih. Anda dapat memilih dari lab individual berdurasi singkat atau kursus multi-modul yang terdiri dari video, dokumen, lab, dan kuis. Lab kami memberi Anda kredensial sementara ke resource cloud nyata agar Anda dapat mempelajari Google Cloud secara langsung di platform aslinya. Dapatkan badge untuk aktivitas yang berhasil Anda selesaikan, serta tentukan target, lacak progres, dan ukur keberhasilan Anda di Google Cloud.

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118 hasil
  1. Kursus Unggulan

    Cloud SQL

    Cloud SQL is a fully managed database service that stands out from its peers due to high performance, seamless integration, and impressive scalability. In this quest you will receive hands-on practice with the basics of Cloud SQL and quickly progress to advanced features, which you will apply to production framewo…

  2. Kursus Unggulan

    Security & Identity Fundamentals

    Security is an uncompromising feature of Google Cloud services, and Google Cloud has developed specific tools for ensuring safety and identity across your projects. In this fundamental-level quest, you will get hands-on practice with Google Cloud’s Identity and Access Management (IAM) service, which is the go-to f…

  3. Jalur Pembelajaran Unggulan

    Google Cloud Next 2022 Hands-On Labs

    This learning path contains labs that provide hands-on activities related to breakout session content and launches announced at Google Cloud Next 2022.

  4. Kursus Unggulan

    Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud

    Earn the advanced skill badge by completing the Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud course, where you learn the basic features for the following machine learning and AI technologies: Cloud Vision API, Cloud Cloud Translation API, and Cloud Natural Language API. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge i…

  5. Lab Unggulan

    GKE Autopilot: Qwik Start

    GKE Autopilot provides a managed environment for deploying, managing, and scaling your containerized applications using Google infrastructure.

  6. Kursus Unggulan

    Advanced ML: ML Infrastructure

    Machine Learning is one of the most innovative fields in technology, and the Google Cloud Platform has been instrumental in furthering its development. With a host of APIs, GCP has a tool for just about any machine learning job. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice with machine learning at …

  7. Lab Unggulan

    Confluent: Clickstream Data Analysis Pipeline Using ksqlDB

    This lab will cover how to create a clickstream data analysis pipeline using ksqlDB.

  8. Lab Unggulan

    Menerapkan Dasar-Dasar Keamanan Cloud di Google Cloud: Challenge Lab

    Challenge Lab ini menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menggunakan layanan keamanan dan identitas dengan Google Cloud.

  9. Lab Unggulan

    Manage Multi-cluster Workloads at Scale with GKE Fleets and Teams

    Provision and manage infrastructure resources for different teams with GKE Enterprise's fleet team management features

  10. Lab Unggulan

    Pengoptimalan Workload GKE

    Lab ini mendemonstrasikan bagaimana pengoptimalan dalam workload cluster Anda dapat menghasilkan pengoptimalan resource dan biaya secara keseluruhan. Lab ini membahas beberapa strategi pengoptimalan workload yang berbeda seperti load balancing berbasis container, pengujian load aplikasi, pemeriksaan kesiapan dan k…