Descubra las capacitaciones de Google Cloud a su manera.

Con más de 980actividades de aprendizaje entre las que elegir, Google Cloud diseñó este catálogo integral teniéndote en cuenta. Este catálogo consta de una variedad de formatos de actividad para que elijas. Elige entre labs individuales breves o cursos de varios módulos que contienen videos, documentos, labs y cuestionarios. Nuestros labs te proporcionan credenciales temporales a recursos reales de la nube para que puedas aprender a usar Google Cloud de forma práctica. Gana insignias por las actividades que completes y define, supervisa y mide tu éxito con Google Cloud.

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347 resultados

  1. Lab Destacados

    Confluent: Developing a Streaming Microservices Application

    This hands-on lab provides step-by-step instructions for developers to apply the basic principles of streaming applications using the Confluent Platform.

  2. Lab Destacados

    Build a Two Screen Flutter Application

    In this lab you will build simple two page app that demonstrates the basics of Flutter. At the end of this lab you will have a simple application that demonstrates why Flutter is so popular with developers.

  3. Lab Destacados

    Working with Onscreen Data in a Flutter Application

    In this lab you will develop a Flutter app using a ListView widget. Learn how to contruct a Flutter application that is capable of efficiently showing a list of data. Customise the application AppBar to provide additional functionality.

  4. Lab Destacados

    Implementing Page Navigation in a Flutter Application

    In this lab you will create a Flutter app with a TabView to isolate data. Add navigation to the application to move directly to a page.

  5. Lab Destacados

    Build and Configure an Integration using Application Integration

    Learn the core concepts, functionalities, and best practices of Application Integration

  6. Lab Destacados

    Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI quest. You should be familiar with the content of the prior labs before attempting this challenge.

  7. Lab Destacados

    Desarrollo de aplicaciones: Cómo agregar autenticación de usuario a tu aplicación - Python

    En este lab, mejorarás la aplicación en línea Quiz para usar la función Firebase Authentication.

  8. Curso Destacados

    Developing Applications with Cloud Functions on Google Cloud

    In this course, you learn about Cloud Functions, Google's serverless, fully-managed functions as a service (FaaS) product that lets you implement single-purpose function code that reponds to HTTP requests and events from your cloud infrastructure.

  9. Lab Destacados

    Adding Decentralized Notifications to an Application using Push Protocol

    In this lab, you will learn how to add decentralized notifications to your BigQuery-based application using the Push Protocol.

  10. Lab Destacados

    Escala horizontalmente una aplicación alojada en contenedores y actualízala en un clúster de Kubernetes: Lab de desafío

    Tu desafío es implementar una aplicación alojada en contenedores en un clúster de Kubernetes, actualizar la aplicación y, luego, escalarla.