Temukan pelatihan Google Cloud sesuai keinginan Anda.

Dengan lebih dari 980 aktivitas pembelajaran yang dapat dipilih, Google Cloud telah merancang katalog yang komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan Anda. Katalog ini terdiri dari berbagai format aktivitas yang dapat Anda pilih. Anda dapat memilih dari lab individual berdurasi singkat atau kursus multi-modul yang terdiri dari video, dokumen, lab, dan kuis. Lab kami memberi Anda kredensial sementara ke resource cloud nyata agar Anda dapat mempelajari Google Cloud secara langsung di platform aslinya. Dapatkan badge untuk aktivitas yang berhasil Anda selesaikan, serta tentukan target, lacak progres, dan ukur keberhasilan Anda di Google Cloud.

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319 hasil
  1. Lab Unggulan

    Build a Two Screen Flutter Application

    In this lab you will build simple two page app that demonstrates the basics of Flutter. At the end of this lab you will have a simple application that demonstrates why Flutter is so popular with developers.

  2. Lab Unggulan

    Working with Onscreen Data in a Flutter Application

    In this lab you will develop a Flutter app using a ListView widget. Learn how to contruct a Flutter application that is capable of efficiently showing a list of data. Customise the application AppBar to provide additional functionality.

  3. Lab Unggulan

    Implementing Page Navigation in a Flutter Application

    In this lab you will create a Flutter app with a TabView to isolate data. Add navigation to the application to move directly to a page.

  4. Lab Unggulan

    Build and Configure an Integration using Application Integration

    Learn the core concepts, functionalities, and best practices of Application Integration

  5. Lab Unggulan

    Menyebarkan Skala dan Mengupdate Aplikasi dalam Container di Cluster Kubernetes: Challenge Lab

    Tantangan Anda adalah men-deploy aplikasi dalam container ke cluster Kubernetes, mengupdate aplikasi, kemudian menyebarkan skalanya.

  6. Lab Unggulan

    App Dev: Adding User Authentication to your Application - Python

    In this lab, you will enhance the online Quiz application to use Firebase authentication.

  7. Lab Unggulan

    Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI quest. You should be familiar with the content of the prior labs before attempting this challenge.

  8. Kursus Unggulan

    Developing Applications with Cloud Functions on Google Cloud

    In this course, you learn about Cloud Functions, Google's serverless, fully-managed functions as a service (FaaS) product that lets you implement single-purpose function code that reponds to HTTP requests and events from your cloud infrastructure.

  9. Lab Unggulan

    Deploying Spanner Applications with Cloud Functions and Cloud Run

    In this lab, you write applications that utilize Spanner databases, and deploy them to both Cloud Functions and Cloud Run. You also install, configure, and enable the Spanner emulator for use in development environments.

  10. Lab Unggulan

    Debugging Apps on Google Kubernetes Engine

    This lab teaches you how logging works on GKE and some best practices for log collection by going through some common logging use cases.