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W Google Cloud stworzyliśmy dla Ciebie katalog z ponad 980 modułami i kursami szkoleniowymi. Możesz w nim wybierać różne rodzaje aktywności: krótkie pojedyncze moduły lub kursy składające się z wielu modułów zawierających filmy, dokumenty i testy. W ramach naszych modułów przyznajemy Ci tymczasowe uprawnienia do rzeczywistych zasobów w chmurze, co umożliwia naukę korzystania z chmury przy użyciu prawdziwego środowiska. Zdobywaj odznaki za ukończone moduły, a także ustalaj swoje cele oraz śledź i mierz postępy w ich realizacji w Google Cloud.

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Wyniki: 348

  1. Moduł Wyróżnione

    Adding Decentralized Notifications to an Application using Push Protocol

    In this lab, you will learn how to add decentralized notifications to your BigQuery-based application using the Push Protocol.

  2. Moduł Wyróżnione

    Deploying Spanner Applications with Cloud Functions and Cloud Run

    In this lab, you write applications that utilize Spanner databases, and deploy them to both Cloud Functions and Cloud Run. You also install, configure, and enable the Spanner emulator for use in development environments.

  3. Moduł Wyróżnione

    Scaling Microservices Applications: Migration to Redis Enterprise on Google Cloud

    In this lab, you will deploy a fully functioning microservices e-Commerce website application on Google Cloud using Redis to run the shopping cart service and then migrate that to Redis Enterprise for scalability and high availability.

  4. Moduł Wyróżnione

    Securing Cloud Applications with Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) using Zero-Trust

    In this lab, you will deploy a sample application and enforce the access restriction capabilities using Identity-Aware Proxy.

  5. Moduł Wyróżnione

    Migrating an application and data from Apache Cassandra™ to DataStax Enterprise

    In this lab, you will learn how to migrate an application running on Apache Cassandra™ to DataStax Enterprise (DSE). To do this, you will deploy a Cassandra™ database and an application that writes data into it. You will then deploy a DataStax Enterprise database and connect the same application to the database. F…

  6. Moduł Wyróżnione

    Build an LLM and RAG-based Chat Application using AlloyDB and LangChain

    Learn how to create an interactive application within a deployed environment.

  7. Moduł Wyróżnione

    Build a Chat Application using the PaLM 2 API on Cloud Run

    In this lab, you build and deploy an AI-based chat application on Cloud Run that utilizes the PaLM 2 API's Chat Bison model (text-chat).

  8. Moduł Wyróżnione

    Secure Software Supply Chain: Using Cloud Build & Cloud Deploy to Deploy Containerized Applications

    In this lab you will use Cloud Build to create a containerized "Hello, World!" application, store the container in Artifact Registry, and deploy the contianer to Cloud Run.

  9. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI

    Complete the introductory Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI skill badge to learn how to build Generative AI applications using LangChain and the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technique for text-based content, powered by Vertex AI's advanced Generative AI capabilities. Discover how to integrate po…

  10. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud

    Many traditional enterprises use legacy systems and applications that often struggle to achieve the scale and speed needed to meet modern customer expectations. Business leaders and IT decision makers constantly have to choose between maintenance of legacy systems and investing in innovative new products and servi…