
Google Cloud 根據您的需求規劃了全方位的課程內容,內含超過 980 項學習活動,並涵蓋多種活動型態,您可自由選擇。您可以選擇簡短的個別研究室,或是包含影片、文件、研究室和測驗的多單元課程。在研究室中,您可以透過臨時憑證實際使用雲端資源,直接累積 Google Cloud 實作經驗。完成課程可獲得徽章,讓您輕鬆掌握、追蹤及評估自己的 Google Cloud 學習成果!

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166 条结果

  1. 课程 精选

    Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run

    完成 Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run 技能徽章中階課程, 即可證明您具備下列技能:整合 Cloud Run 和 Cloud Storage 以管理資料、 使用 Cloud Run 和 Pub/Sub 架構可復原的非同步系統、 使用 Cloud Run 建構 REST API 閘道,以及在 Cloud Run 建構及部署服務。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章, 用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品與服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。完成 本課程及結業評量挑戰研究室,即可取得技能徽章 並與親…

  2. 课程 精选

    Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud

    Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes …

  3. 实验 精选

    運用 Cloud Run 開發無伺服器應用程式:挑戰研究室

    在這個挑戰研究室,您將證明能否運用 Cloud Run 和 Cloud Build,執行無伺服器部署作業。

  4. 课程 精选

    Developing Containerized Applications on Google Cloud

    In this course, you learn about containers and how to build, and package container images. The content in this course includes best practices for creating and securing containers, and provides an introduction to Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine for application developers.

  5. 课程 精选

    Developing Applications with Google Cloud: Foundations

    In this course, you learn the fundamentals of application development on Google Cloud. You learn best practices for cloud applications, and how to select compute and data options to match your application use cases. You're introduced to generative AI and how it's used to help build applications. You learn about au…

  6. 实验 精选

    Connect to Cloud SQL from an Application in Google Kubernetes Engine

    This lab shows how easy it is to connect an application in Google Kubernetes Engine to a Cloud SQL instance using the Cloud SQL Proxy container as a sidecar container. You will deploy a GKE cluster and a Cloud SQL Postgres instance and use the Cloud SQL Proxy container to allow communication between them.

  7. 课程 精选

    Building Applications with Eventarc on Google Cloud

    This course teaches you how to build and secure event-driven applications by using Eventarc. Using lectures and hands-on labs, you create Eventarc triggers to route events from Google Cloud services to event receivers that act on the events. You learn about the standard CloudEvents format that is used by Eventarc,…

  8. 课程 精选

    Integrating Applications with Gemini 1.0 Pro on Google Cloud

    This short course on integrating applications with Gemini 1.0 Pro models on Google Cloud helps you discover the Gemini API and its generative AI models. The course teaches you how to access the Gemini 1.0 Pro and Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision models from code. It lets you test the capabilities of the models with text, ima…

  9. 实验 精选

    Build and Configure an Integration using Application Integration

    Learn the core concepts, functionalities, and best practices of Application Integration

  10. 实验 精选

    Adding Decentralized Notifications to an Application using Push Protocol

    In this lab, you will learn how to add decentralized notifications to your BigQuery-based application using the Push Protocol.