Discover Google Cloud training your way

With 980+ learning activities to choose from, Google Cloud has designed our comprehensive catalog with you in mind. The catalog consists of a variety of activity formats for you to pick from. Choose from bite-size individual labs or multi-module courses that consist of videos, documents, labs, and quizzes. Our labs give you temporary credentials to actual cloud resources, so you can learn Google Cloud using the real thing. Earn badges for what you complete, define, track, and measure your success with Google Cloud!

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347 results

  1. Course Featured

    Securing and Integrating Components of your Application

    In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to develop more secure applications, implement federated identity m…

  2. Course Featured

    Getting Started With Application Development

    In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to apply best practices for application development and use the app…

  3. Course Featured

    Application Development with Cloud Run

    This course introduces you to fundamentals, practices, capabilities and tools applicable to modern cloud-native application development using Google Cloud Run. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials, you will learn how to on Google Cloud using Cloud, implement, depl…

  4. Course Featured

    Developing Containerized Applications on Google Cloud

    In this course, you learn about containers and how to build, and package container images. The content in this course includes best practices for creating and securing containers, and provides an introduction to Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine for application developers.

  5. Course Featured

    Integrating Applications with Gemini 1.0 Pro on Google Cloud

    This short course on integrating applications with Gemini 1.0 Pro models on Google Cloud helps you discover the Gemini API and its generative AI models. The course teaches you how to access the Gemini 1.0 Pro and Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision models from code. It lets you test the capabilities of the models with text, ima…

  6. Course Featured

    Developing Applications with Cloud Run on Google Cloud: Fundamentals

    This course introduces the Cloud Run serverless platform for running applications. In this course, you learn about the fundamentals of Cloud Run, its resource model and the container lifecycle. You learn about service identities, how to control access to services, and how to develop and test your application…

  7. Lab Featured

    Debugging Apps on Google Kubernetes Engine

    This lab teaches you how logging works on GKE and some best practices for log collection by going through some common logging use cases.

  8. Lab Featured

    Integrate Search in Applications using Vertex AI Agent Builder

    This lab is part of a series designed to provide hands-on experience with Generative AI on Google Cloud.

  9. Lab Featured

    Securing Compute Engine Applications and Resources using BeyondCorp Enterprise (BCE)

    In this lab, you will learn how to secure a Compute Engine instance with Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP).

  10. Lab Featured

    Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase: Challenge Lab

    In this lab you will create a frontend solution using a Rest API and Firestore database. Lab content is based on resolving a real world scenario through the use of Google Cloud serverless infrastructure.