Discover Google Cloud training your way

With 980+ learning activities to choose from, Google Cloud has designed our comprehensive catalog with you in mind. The catalog consists of a variety of activity formats for you to pick from. Choose from bite-size individual labs or multi-module courses that consist of videos, documents, labs, and quizzes. Our labs give you temporary credentials to actual cloud resources, so you can learn Google Cloud using the real thing. Earn badges for what you complete, define, track, and measure your success with Google Cloud!

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319 results
  1. Lab Featured

    Compute Engine: Qwik Start - Windows

    Google Compute Engine lets you create and run virtual machines on Google infrastructure. In this lab you create a Windows Server instance in the Google Compute Engine and access it with RDP. Watch a short preview, Launch a Windows Server Instance, GCP Essentials.

  2. Lab Featured

    Getting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloud

    In this hands-on lab you will learn how to connect to computing resources hosted on Google Cloud Platform, and how to use Cloud Shell and Cloud SDK gcloud commands. For a preview, watch the short video Get Started with Cloud Shell, GCP Essentials.

  3. Lab Featured

    Provision Services with Google Cloud Marketplace

    In this hands-on lab you'll learn how to use Google Cloud Platform's Marketplace to quickly get started with common operating systems, web frameworks, and databases.

  4. Lab Featured

    Deploy a Compute Instance with a Remote Startup Script: Challenge Lab

    Configure a Linux Google Compute Engine instance that installs an Apache web server software using a remote startup script, then confirm that Apache has successfully installed.

  5. Lab Featured

    Running a Dedicated Ethereum RPC Node in Google Cloud

    In this lab, you will learn how to deploy and run an Ethereum RPC node in Google Cloud.

  6. Lab Featured

    The Basics of Google Cloud Compute: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in The Basics of Google Cloud Compute quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  7. Course Featured

    Cloud Engineering

    This fundamental-level quest is unique amongst the other quest offerings. The labs have been curated to give IT professionals hands-on practice with topics and services that appear in the Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Certification. From IAM, to networking, to Kubernetes engine deployment, this q…

  8. Lab Featured

    Creating a Persistent Disk

    In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to create a persistent disk and use it on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine. You will also learn about zones, regions, and different disk types. Watch the short preview Create a Persistent Disk, GCP Essentials.

  9. Course Featured

    Understand Your Google Cloud Costs

    This Quest is most suitable for those working in a technology or finance role who are responsible for managing Google Cloud costs. You’ll learn how to set up a billing account, organize resources, and manage billing access permissions. In the hands-on labs, you'll learn how to view your invoice, track your Google …

  10. Course Featured

    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure introduces important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud. Through videos and hands-on labs, this course presents and compares many of Google Cloud's computing and storage services, along with important resource and policy management tools.