Découvrez les formations Google Cloud à votre manière.

Afin de répondre à vos besoins, Google Cloud a constitué un catalogue complet de plus de 980 activités de formation aux formats variés. Vous avez le choix entre de petits ateliers individuels ou des cours de plusieurs modules comprenant des vidéos, de la documentation, des ateliers et des questionnaires. Lors des ateliers, nous vous fournissons des identifiants temporaires qui vous permettent d'accéder à de vraies ressources cloud. Vous pouvez ainsi apprendre à utiliser Google Cloud en conditions réelles. Gagnez des badges pour les formations que vous terminez, définissez des objectifs, et suivez et mesurez votre progression avec Google Cloud !

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111 résultats

  1. Cours Sélection

    Migrating MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service

    This advanced-level quest offers hands-on practice with migrating MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service. You will start with an introductory lab that briefly reviews how to get started with Cloud SQL for MySQL, including how to connect to Cloud SQL instances using the Cloud Console, then continu…

  2. Cours Sélection

    Create a Streaming Data Lake on Cloud Storage

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Create a Streaming Data Lake on Cloud Storage course, where you use Pub/Sub, Dataflow, and Cloud Storage together to create a streaming data lake on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google…

  3. Cours Sélection

    Cloud Healthcare API

    Cloud Healthcare API bridges the gap between care systems and applications built on Google Cloud. By supporting standards-based data formats and protocols of existing healthcare technologies, Cloud Healthcare API connects your data to advanced Google Cloud capabilities, including streaming data processing with Clo…

  4. Cours Sélection

    Understand Your Google Cloud Costs

    Cette quête s'adresse particulièrement aux personnes qui travaillent dans les technologies ou les finances et qui sont responsables de la gestion des coûts de GCP. Vous apprendrez à configurer un compte de facturation, à organiser les ressources et à gérer les autorisations d'accès à la facturation. Grâce aux atel…

  5. Cours Sélection

    Applied Data: Blockchain

    Blockchain and related technologies, such as distributed ledger and distributed apps, are becoming new value drivers and solution priorities in many industries. In this Quest you will gain hands-on experience with distributed ledger and the exploration of blockchain datasets in Google Cloud. This Quest brings the …

  6. Atelier Sélection

    Streaming Data to Bigtable

    In this lab, you launch a Dataflow pipeline to load streaming data from Pub/Sub into Bigtable.

  7. Cours Sélection

    Store, Process, and Manage Data on Google Cloud - Console

    Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Pub/Sub are all Google Cloud Platform services that can be used to store, process, and manage data. All three services can be used together to create a variety of data-driven applications. In this skill badge you will use Cloud Storage to store images, Cloud Functions to p…

  8. Cours Sélection

    Store, Process, and Manage Data on Google Cloud - Command Line

    Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Pub/Sub are all Google Cloud Platform services that can be used to store, process, and manage data. All three services can be used together to create a variety of data-driven applications. In this skill badge you will use Cloud Storage to store images, Cloud Functions to p…

  9. Cours Sélection

    Create a Secure Data Lake on Cloud Storage

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Create a Secure Data Lake on Cloud Storage quest, where you use Cloud Storage, IAM, and Dataplex together to create a secure data lake on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud prod…

  10. Atelier Sélection

    Cost Optimization and Data Tiering with BigLake and Cloud Storage

    Learn to how to potentially reduce your costs by archiving data, unused tables, and partitions from BigQuery into Google Cloud Storage