On-demand activities

Find the right on-demand learning activities for you. Labs are short learning activities that teach you a specific lesson by giving you direct, temporary, hands-on access to real cloud resources. Courses are longer activities, consisting of several modules made of videos, documents, hands-on labs and quizzes. Finally, quests are similar, but are usually shorter and contain only labs.

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84 results

  1. Course Featured

    Data Lake Modernization on Google Cloud: Data Governance

    Welcome to Data Governance, where we discuss how to implement data governance on Google Cloud.

  2. Lab Featured

    Cost Optimization and Data Tiering with BigLake and Cloud Storage

    Learn to how to potentially reduce your costs by archiving data, unused tables, and partitions from BigQuery into Google Cloud Storage

  3. Lab Featured

    Generative AI: Data Engineer Revision

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Professional Data Engineer

  4. Course Featured

    Create ML Models with BigQuery ML

    Complete the intermediate Create ML Models with BigQuery ML skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and evaluating machine learning models with BigQuery ML to make data predictions. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Goo…

  5. Lab Featured

    Migrating Data to and from Spanner with Dataflow

    In this lab, you use Dataflow and Apache Beam to migrate data into Spanner.

  6. Lab Featured

    Building Fitness-Driven dApps: Streaming Google Fit Data with W3bstream

    Learn how to channel Google Fit data via W3bstream to develop decentralized applications (dApps) that mint crypto assets based on user fitness activities.

  7. Course Featured

    Intro to ML: Image Processing

    Using large scale computing power to recognize patterns and "read" images is one of the foundational technologies in AI, from self-driving cars to facial recognition. The Google Cloud Platform provides world class speed and accuracy via systems that can utilized by simply calling APIs. With these and a host of oth…

  8. Course Featured

    Automate Data Capture at Scale with Document AI

    Earn the introductory skill badge by completing the Automate Data Capture at Scale with Document AI quest, where you learn how to extract, process, and capture data using Document AI A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products a…

  9. Course Featured

    Data Lake Modernization on Google Cloud: Cloud Composer

    Welcome to Cloud Composer, where we discuss how to orchestrate data lake workflows with Cloud Composer.

  10. Course Featured

    NetApp: Build, Protect and Govern your Data Infrastructure On Google Cloud

    It’s no secret today that data is growing rapidly and considered the most critical asset of any organization. NetApp and Google Cloud play an instrumental role in enabling you to optimally store, protect and govern your data. With NetApp Cloud Manager and NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP data storage technology that uti…