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Кількість результатів: 276

  1. Практична робота Пропонується

    Explore SAP Data Foundation using Looker Dashboards

    Visualize the Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation for SAP by viewing reports pre-installed in a Looker instance

  2. Практична робота Пропонується

    Cloud Spanner - Loading Data and Performing Backups

    In this lab, you explore various ways to load data into Cloud Spanner as well as perform a backup of your database.

  3. Практична робота Пропонується

    Ingesting DICOM Data with the Healthcare API

    In this lab you will learn the basic functionality of Cloud Healthcare API using Digital Imaging and Commmuniations in Medicine (DICOM) data model.

  4. Практична робота Пропонується

    Create a Secure Data Lake on Cloud Storage: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Create a Secure Data Lake on Cloud Storage quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  5. Курс Пропонується

    Tag and Discover BigLake Data

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Tag and Discover BigLake Data quest, where you use BigQuery, BigLake, and Data Catalog within Dataplex to create, tag, and discover BigLake tables. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products…

  6. Практична робота Пропонується

    De-identifying DICOM Data with the Healthcare API

    Use the de-identification functionality of Cloud Healthcare API with the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data model.

  7. Практична робота Пропонується

    Create a Streaming Data Lake on Cloud Storage: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Create a Streaming Data Lake on Cloud Storage quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  8. Курс Пропонується

    BigQuery for Data Analysts

    This course is designed for data analysts who want to learn about using BigQuery for their data analysis needs. Through a combination of videos, labs, and demos, we cover various topics that discuss how to ingest, transform, and query your data in BigQuery to derive insights that can help in business decision maki…

  9. Практична робота Пропонується

    Analyzing Billing Data with BigQuery

    In this lab you will create datasets and tables, import data from billing reports, and conduct a variety of queries on the data using BigQuery.

  10. Практична робота Пропонується

    Working with Onscreen Data in a Flutter Application

    In this lab you will develop a Flutter app using a ListView widget. Learn how to contruct a Flutter application that is capable of efficiently showing a list of data. Customise the application AppBar to provide additional functionality.