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288 results

  1. Lab Featured

    Build a Data Mesh with Dataplex: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Build a Data Mesh with Dataplex skill badge. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  2. Lab Featured

    Automate Validation using the Data Validation Tool (DVT)

    Data validation is a critical step in data warehouse, database, or data lake migration.

  3. Lab Featured

    BigQuery Machine Learning using Soccer Data

    Learn how to use BigQuery ML with soccer shot data to create and use an expected goals model.

  4. Lab Featured

    Building Realtime Pipelines in Cloud Data Fusion

    In addition to batch pipelines, Data Fusion also allows you to create realtime pipelines, that can process events as they are generated. Currently, realtime pipelines execute using Apache Spark Streaming on Cloud Dataproc clusters. In this lab you you will learn how to build a streaming pipeline using Data Fusion.

  5. Lab Featured

    Vertex AI Tabular Data: Qwik Start

    In this lab, you will learn how to build a binary classification model from tabular data using Vertex AI.

  6. Lab Featured

    Creating a Streaming Data Pipeline With Apache Kafka

    In this lab, you create a streaming data pipeline with Kafka providing you a hands-on look at the Kafka Streams API. You will run a Java application that uses the Kafka Streams library by showcasing a simple end-to-end data pipeline powered by Apache.

  7. Lab Featured

    Ingesting FHIR Data with the Healthcare API

    In this lab you will learn the basic functionalities of Cloud Healthcare API using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability (FHIR) data model.

  8. Lab Featured

    Connect and Configure Data for your AppSheet App

    In this lab, you use AppSheet to connect and configure data for your app.

  9. Lab Featured

    Secure BigLake Data: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Secure BigLake Data quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  10. Lab Featured

    Online Data Migration to BigQuery using Striim

    Continuous Data Replication from Cloud SQL for MySQL to BigQuery using Striim