Découvrez les formations Google Cloud à votre manière.

Afin de répondre à vos besoins, Google Cloud a constitué un catalogue complet de plus de 980 activités de formation aux formats variés. Vous avez le choix entre de petits ateliers individuels ou des cours de plusieurs modules comprenant des vidéos, de la documentation, des ateliers et des questionnaires. Lors des ateliers, nous vous fournissons des identifiants temporaires qui vous permettent d'accéder à de vraies ressources cloud. Vous pouvez ainsi apprendre à utiliser Google Cloud en conditions réelles. Gagnez des badges pour les formations que vous terminez, définissez des objectifs, et suivez et mesurez votre progression avec Google Cloud !

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80 résultats

  1. Cours Sélection

    Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud course, where you learn how to build and connect storage-centric cloud infrastructure using the basic capabilities of the of the following technologies: Cloud Storage, Identity and Access Management, Cloud Functions, and Pub/Sub. …

  2. Atelier Sélection

    Automate Data Capture at Scale with Document AI: Challenge Lab

    This is a challenge lab based on Automate Data Capture at Scale with Document AI course, where the user complete a series of tasks within a limited time period.

  3. Cours Sélection

    Use APIs to Work with Cloud Storage

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Use APIs to Work with Cloud Storage quest, where you learn how APIs work in Google, and how to use the Cloud Storage API specifically. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services…

  4. Cours Sélection

    Get Started with Cloud Storage

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Get Started with Cloud Storage quest, where you learn how to create a Cloud Storage bucket, how to use the Cloud Storage command line, and how to use Bucket Lock to protect objects in a bucket. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition …

  5. Learning Path Sélection

    DevSecOps Learning Path

    A DevSecOps develops, implements, and monitors their organization’s security infrastructure to protect sensitive information.

  6. Atelier Sélection

    Créer un VPN à haut débit

    Dans cet atelier, vous allez apprendre à créer un VPN sécurisé à haut débit et à tester sa vitesse.

  7. Cours Sélection

    Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

    ¨Microservices" describes a software design pattern in which an application is a collection of loosely coupled services. These services are fine-grained, and can be individually maintained and scaled. The microservices architecture is ideal for the public cloud, with its focus on elastic scaling with on-demand res…

  8. Cours Sélection

    Store, Process, and Manage Data on Google Cloud - Console

    Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Pub/Sub are all Google Cloud Platform services that can be used to store, process, and manage data. All three services can be used together to create a variety of data-driven applications. In this skill badge you will use Cloud Storage to store images, Cloud Functions to p…

  9. Cours Sélection

    Configure Google Kubernetes Engine Networking

    This course teaches you some basic Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) networking. With written lectures, hands-on lab exercises, and quizzes, you learn how to set up services, facilitate communication, and configure secure access to your GKE applications.

  10. Cours Sélection

    Create a Streaming Data Lake on Cloud Storage

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Create a Streaming Data Lake on Cloud Storage course, where you use Pub/Sub, Dataflow, and Cloud Storage together to create a streaming data lake on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google…