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כשתכננו את Google Cloud, חשבנו עליכם. קטלוג ההדרכה שלנו מכיל למעלה מ-980 פעילויות שונות ממגוון סוגים. תוכלו לבחור מבין שיעורי Lab קצרים ואישיים או קורסים עם מודולים מרובים שמכילים סרטונים, מסמכים, שיעורי Lab ובחנים. בשיעורי ה-Lab תקבלו פרטי כניסה זמניים למשאבים עצמם בענן, כדי שתוכלו לתרגל במו ידיכם את השימוש ב-Google Cloud. תקבלו גם תגים על השיעורים והקורסים שתסיימו, ותוכלו לעקוב אחרי ההתקדמות ולהגדיר מה מבחינתכם נחשב להצלחה ב-Google Cloud!

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117 results

  1. Lab Featured

    Finding Data in Google Sheets

    Finding specific content in large spreadsheets can be tricky. Learn to manipulate, search and substitute values in Google Sheets.

  2. Lab Featured

    Validate Data in Google Sheets

    Ensure that your data is valid and prepared for analysis using Google Sheets features and functions to organize, standardize, and clean data.

  3. Lab Featured

    Dataplex: Qwik Start - Command Line

    This lab shows you how to get started with Dataplex using the command line by walking you through creating a lake, adding a zone, attaching and detaching assets, and deleting zones and lakes.

  4. Lab Featured

    Dataplex: Qwik Start - Console

    This lab shows you how to get started with Dataplex in the Google Cloud console by walking you through creating a lake, adding a zone, attaching and detaching assets, and deleting zones and lakes.

  5. Lab Featured

    Tagging Dataplex Assets

    This lab shows you how to get started with tagging Dataplex assets to support data governance and discovery.

  6. Lab Featured

    Creating a Real-time Data Pipeline using Eventarc and MongoDB Atlas

    In this lab, you will provision the MongoDB Atlas cluster and run a Cloud Function to simulate an IIOT sensor that publishes data to Pub/Sub.

  7. Lab Featured

    Data Analysis with the FraudFinder Workshop

    FraudFinder is a series of JupyterLabs that show how to implement an end-to-end Data to AI architecture works on Google Cloud, through a toy use case of real-time fraud detection system.

  8. Lab Featured

    Sending and Scheduling Looks in Looker

    In this lab, you learn about the different options for sharing Looks in Looker.

  9. Lab Featured

    [DEPRECATED] Monitoring GKE with Datadog

    In this lab, you will learn how to Monitor GKE with Datadog.

  10. Lab Featured

    Create a Streaming Data Lake on Cloud Storage: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Create a Streaming Data Lake on Cloud Storage quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.