원하는 방식의 Google Cloud 교육을 살펴보세요.

Google Cloud에서 개발자를 대상으로 한 980개 이상의 학습 활동을 선택할 수 있는 포괄적인 카탈로그를 설계했습니다. 이 카탈로그는 개발자가 선택할 수 있는 다양한 활동 형식으로 구성되어 있습니다. 짧은 분량의 개별 실습 또는 동영상, 문서, 실습, 퀴즈로 구성된 멀티 모듈 과정 중에서 선택하세요. 실습에서는 실제 클라우드 리소스에 대한 임시 사용자 인증 정보를 제공하므로 실제 리소스를 사용하여 Google Cloud를 알아볼 수 있습니다. 이수한 과정의 배지를 획득하고 Google Cloud 성과를 정의, 추적, 측정하세요.

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결과 346개

  1. 과정 추천

    Google Cloud Security for the Public Sector

    Work Safer With Work Safer, public sector organizations can benefit from a cloud first, zero trust security model that provides always up-to-date protection against cyber-attacks. The endpoint security covers mobile devices, desktop devices, Chromebook laptops, and meeting room hardware giving an elevated user ex…

  2. 과정 추천

    Google Security Operations - Deep Dive

    Take the next steps in working with the Chronicle Security Operations Platform. Build on fundamental knowledge to go deeper on cusotmization and tuning.

  3. 과정 추천

    Put It All Together: Prepare for a Cloud Security Analyst Job

    This is the fifth of five courses in the Google Cloud Cybersecurity Certificate. In this course, you’ll combine and apply key concepts such as cloud security principles, risk management, identifying vulnerabilities, incident management, and crisis communications in an interactive capstone project. Additionally, yo…

  4. 과정 추천

    API Security on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform

    In this course, you learn how to secure your APIs. You explore the security concerns you will encounter for your APIs. You learn about OAuth, the primary authorization method for REST APIs. You will learn about JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and federated security. You also learn about securing against malicious requests,…

  5. 과정 추천

    Google Security Operations - SOAR Analyst

    This course helps you understand how to use Chronicle to properly handle security incidents.

  6. 실습 추천

    Gemini를 활용해 보안 결정 내리기

    이 실습에서는 Google Cloud의 AI 기반 파트너인 Gemini를 사용하여 Security Command Center의 환경에서 여러 보안 영역을 탐색하고 이해하는 방법을 알아봅니다.

  7. 과정 추천

    Networking Fundamentals in Google Cloud

    Networking is a principle theme of cloud computing. It’s the underlying structure of Google Cloud, and it’s what connects all your resources and services to one another. This quest will cover essential Google Cloud networking services and will give you hands-on practice with specialized tools for developing mature…

  8. 실습 추천

    Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Develop and Secure Apigee X course. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  9. 실습 추천

    Enhancing Google Cloud Network Security

    Advancing your Google Cloud network security with VM-Series, Cloud IDS, and XSOAR.

  10. 실습 추천

    Securing a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Instance

    In this lab, you deploy a new Cloud SQL instance using a customer-managed encryption key (CMEK). You configure pgAudit to selectively record and track SQL operations performed against that instance, and then you configure and test Cloud SQL IAM database authentication.