
Hier finden Sie die für Sie richtigen On-Demand-Lernaktivitäten. Labs sind kurze Lernaktivitäten, in denen Ihnen über einen direkten, temporären, praxisorientierten Zugriff auf echte Cloud-Ressourcen spezifische Inhalte vermittelt werden. Kurse sind längere Aktivitäten, die aus mehreren Modulen mit Videos, Dokumenten, praxisorientierten Labs und Quizaufgaben bestehen. Aufgabenreihen sind ähnlich, aber in der Regel kürzer und enthalten nur Labs.

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1186 Ergebnisse
  1. Lab Tipp

    Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL pipeline using Apache Beam and Dataflow (Java)

    In this lab, you a) build a batch ETL pipeline in Apache Beam, which takes raw data from Google Cloud Storage and writes it to BigQuery b) run the Apache Beam pipeline on Dataflow and c) parameterize the execution of the pipeline.

  2. Lab Tipp

    Exploring Memorystore for Redis Cluster

    In this lab, you will explore the capabilities of Memorystore for Redis Cluster.

  3. Lab Tipp

    Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Develop and Secure Apigee X course. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  4. Lab Tipp

    BlockApps STRATO: Spin Up A Blockchain Node in 3 minutes

    Discover how easy it is to spin up a private blockchain network and create user accounts within the network using BlockApps' STRATO platform on Google Cloud.

  5. Lab Tipp

    Getting Started with Splunk Cloud GDI on Google Cloud

    A step-by-step guide through the process to configure multiple methods to ingest Google Cloud data into Splunk

  6. Lab Tipp

    Implementing a Hub and Spoke using NCC

    In this lab, you create a hub and spoke topology using NCC. In this hands-on exercise, you'll design and implement a classic hub-and-spoke network topology. Your pre-configured environment includes three VPC networks—a central hub and two branches (spoke1 and spoke2).

  7. Lab Tipp

    Workload Manager Validation for SQL Server

    Workload Manager for SQL Agent.

  8. Lab Tipp

    Build a Google Workspace Add-on with Node.js and Cloud Run

    In this lab you'll learn how to build a Google Workspace Add-on using Node.js and Cloud Run.

  9. Kurs Tipp

    Kubernetes in Google Cloud

    Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration system, and Google Kubernetes Engine was designed specifically to support managed Kubernetes deployments in Google Cloud. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice configuring Docker images, containers, and deploying fully-fledged Kubernetes…

  10. Kurs Tipp

    Networking Fundamentals in Google Cloud

    Networking is a principle theme of cloud computing. It’s the underlying structure of Google Cloud, and it’s what connects all your resources and services to one another. This quest will cover essential Google Cloud networking services and will give you hands-on practice with specialized tools for developing mature…