Descubra las capacitaciones de Google Cloud a su manera.

Con más de 980actividades de aprendizaje entre las que elegir, Google Cloud diseñó este catálogo integral teniéndote en cuenta. Este catálogo consta de una variedad de formatos de actividad para que elijas. Elige entre labs individuales breves o cursos de varios módulos que contienen videos, documentos, labs y cuestionarios. Nuestros labs te proporcionan credenciales temporales a recursos reales de la nube para que puedas aprender a usar Google Cloud de forma práctica. Gana insignias por las actividades que completes y define, supervisa y mide tu éxito con Google Cloud.

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1186 resultados
  1. Lab Destacados

    Visualize the 10,000 Bitcoin Pizza Transaction Using BigQuery and Vertex AI Workbench

    In this lab you will use an Vertex AI Notebook instance to retrieve as many transactions as possible from BigQuery within 2 degrees of separation from the pizza exchange, post-process the transactions to remove excess transaction, then visualize the directed graph.

  2. Lab Destacados

    Networking 101

    Learn how to set up a network, add 3 subnetworks, then apply firewall rules.

  3. Lab Destacados

    Integrate BigQuery Data and Google Workspace using Apps Script: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Integrate BigQuery Data and Google Workspace using Apps Script quests. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  4. Lab Destacados

    Store, Process, and Manage Data on Google Cloud - Command Line: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Store, Process, and Manage Data on Google Cloud - Command Line quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  5. Lab Destacados

    Análisis de opiniones y entidades con la API de Natural Language

    La API de Cloud Natural Language te permite extraer entidades y realizar el análisis sintáctico y de opiniones en un bloque de texto. En este lab práctico, aprenderás a extraer entidades y opiniones de un texto con la API de Cloud Natural Language.

  6. Lab Destacados

    Eventarc for Cloud Run

    In this lab you will use Eventarc for Cloud Run to listen to events from Cloud Pub/Sub and Audit Logs. At the end of this lab you will be able to deliver events from various sources to Google Cloud sinks.

  7. Lab Destacados

    Connect and Configure Data for your AppSheet App

    In this lab, you use AppSheet to connect and configure data for your app.

  8. Lab Destacados

    Cómo interactuar con los módulos de Terraform

    En este lab práctico, crearás y usarás módulos de Terraform para organizar la configuración de tu nube.

  9. Lab Destacados

    Protecting APIs with Apigee X and Cloud Armor

    In this lab, you use an Apigee X threat protection policy and Cloud Armor to protect your APIs.

  10. Lab Destacados

    Manage Data Models in Looker: Challenge Lab

    In this lab, you test your skills related to managing data models in Looker. You are expected to use best practices to support LookML project health and optimize queries for performance.