Descubra las capacitaciones de Google Cloud a su manera.

Con más de 980actividades de aprendizaje entre las que elegir, Google Cloud diseñó este catálogo integral teniéndote en cuenta. Este catálogo consta de una variedad de formatos de actividad para que elijas. Elige entre labs individuales breves o cursos de varios módulos que contienen videos, documentos, labs y cuestionarios. Nuestros labs te proporcionan credenciales temporales a recursos reales de la nube para que puedas aprender a usar Google Cloud de forma práctica. Gana insignias por las actividades que completes y define, supervisa y mide tu éxito con Google Cloud.

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1203 resultados
  1. Lab Destacados

    Getting Started with Google Cloud NetApp Volumes

    In this lab, you will learn the basic concepts about Google Cloud NetApp Volumes

  2. Lab Destacados

    Set Up a Google Cloud Network: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the Set Up a Google Cloud Network skill badge. Are you ready for the challenge?

  3. Lab Destacados

    Flutter Quiz

    This lab is based on Flutter development, learn more about this topic by taking the Flutter labs.

  4. Lab Destacados

    Running Distributed TensorFlow using Vertex AI

    In this lab, you will use TensorFlow's distribution strategies and the Vertex AI platform to train and deploy a custom TensorFlow image classification model to classify an image classification dataset.

  5. Lab Destacados

    Introduction to Cloud Dataproc: Hadoop and Spark on Google Cloud

    In this lab, you will learn how to start a managed Spark/Hadoop cluster using Dataproc, submit a sample Spark job, and shut down your cluster using the Google Cloud Console.

  6. Lab Destacados

    Automating your BigQuery Data Pipeline with Cloud Dataprep

    In this lab, you will examine how Dataprep can be used on complicated data structures in BigQuery.

  7. Lab Destacados

    Using Ruby on Rails with Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL on Cloud Run

    In this lab, you'll learn how to deploy a new Ruby on Rails application using Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL on Cloud Run.

  8. Lab Destacados

    Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions with Vertex AI: Lab de desafío

    En este lab de desafío, deberás entrenar, implementar y crear una canalización de modelos con Vertex AI.

  9. Lab Destacados

    Migrating to Cloud SQL from Amazon RDS for MySQL Using Database Migration Service

    In this lab, you migrate MySQL data from an Amazon RDS instance for MySQL to Cloud SQL for MySQL using a one-time Database Migration Service job and an IP allowlist for connectivity. After you create and run the migration job, you confirm that the data have been successfully migrated to your Cloud SQL for MySQL in…

  10. Lab Destacados

    Autoscaling TensorFlow Model Deployments with TF Serving and Kubernetes

    AutoML Vision helps developers with limited ML expertise train high quality image recognition models. In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to train a custom model to recognize different types of clouds (cumulus, cumulonimbus, etc.).