Découvrez les formations Google Cloud à votre manière.

Afin de répondre à vos besoins, Google Cloud a constitué un catalogue complet de plus de 980 activités de formation aux formats variés. Vous avez le choix entre de petits ateliers individuels ou des cours de plusieurs modules comprenant des vidéos, de la documentation, des ateliers et des questionnaires. Lors des ateliers, nous vous fournissons des identifiants temporaires qui vous permettent d'accéder à de vraies ressources cloud. Vous pouvez ainsi apprendre à utiliser Google Cloud en conditions réelles. Gagnez des badges pour les formations que vous terminez, définissez des objectifs, et suivez et mesurez votre progression avec Google Cloud !

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1143 résultats
  1. Cours Sélection

    Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud

    Earn the advanced skill badge by completing the Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud course, where you learn the basic features for the following machine learning and AI technologies: Cloud Vision API, Cloud Cloud Translation API, and Cloud Natural Language API. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge i…

  2. Cours Sélection

    Language, Speech, Text, & Translation with Google Cloud APIs

    In this quest you will use a collection of Google APIs that are all related to language, and speech. You will use the Speech-to-Text API to transcribe an audio file into a text file, the Cloud Translation API to translate from one language to another, the Cloud Translation API to detect what language is being used…

  3. Cours Sélection

    Mitigate Threats and Vulnerabilities with Security Command Center

    Complete the intermediate Mitigate Threats and Vulnerabilities with Security Command Center skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: preventing and managing environment threats, identifying and mitigating application vulnerabilities, and responding to security anomalies.

  4. Atelier Sélection

    Develop No-Code Chat Apps with AppSheet

    In this lab, you'll use AppSheet to create a no-code app for Google Chat.

  5. Cours Sélection

    Monitor Environments with Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Monitor Environments with Managed Service for Prometheus quest, where you learn Kubernetes Monitoring with Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud prod…

  6. Cours Sélection

    Get Started with Dataplex

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Get Started with Dataplex quest, where you use Dataplex to start creating a data mesh on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply…

  7. Atelier Sélection

    Integrate an AI Agent with a Flutter App Using Vertex AI Agent Builder

    In this lab, you'll develop a Flutter app and integrate the app with an AI agent using tools from Vertex AI Agent Builder.

  8. Atelier Sélection

    Protect and Recover Microsoft SQL Server with Actifio

    In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to backup an existing Microsoft SQL Database with Actifio

  9. Atelier Sélection

    Introduction to Convolutions with TensorFlow

    A convolution is a filter that passes over an image, processes it, and extracts features that show a commonality in the image. In this lab you'll see how they work, and try processing an image to extract features from it!

  10. Atelier Sélection

    Create a Cosmetic Anomaly Detection Model using Visual Inspection AI

    In this lab, you learn how to create a Cosmetic Anomaly Detection Model using Visual Inspection AI.