Temukan pelatihan Google Cloud sesuai keinginan Anda.

Dengan lebih dari 980 aktivitas pembelajaran yang dapat dipilih, Google Cloud telah merancang katalog yang komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan Anda. Katalog ini terdiri dari berbagai format aktivitas yang dapat Anda pilih. Anda dapat memilih dari lab individual berdurasi singkat atau kursus multi-modul yang terdiri dari video, dokumen, lab, dan kuis. Lab kami memberi Anda kredensial sementara ke resource cloud nyata agar Anda dapat mempelajari Google Cloud secara langsung di platform aslinya. Dapatkan badge untuk aktivitas yang berhasil Anda selesaikan, serta tentukan target, lacak progres, dan ukur keberhasilan Anda di Google Cloud.

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1186 hasil
  1. Lab Unggulan

    Mengembangkan REST API dengan Go dan Cloud Run

    Menunjukkan cara membangun REST API dengan Go dan Cloud Run

  2. Lab Unggulan

    Mitigate Threats and Vulnerabilities with Security Command Center: Challenge Lab

    In this lab, you test your Security Command Center skills by demonstrating your proficiency in creating mute rules, analyzing and fixing high vulnerability findings, identifying application vulnerabilities, and exporting Findings.

  3. Lab Unggulan

    Arcade Hero: Enter the Subnet

    Arcade Hero: VPC Level One

  4. Lab Unggulan

    Introduction to APIs in Google Cloud

    In this lab, you review the architecture and basic functioning of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and then practice by configuring and running Cloud Storage API methods in Cloud Shell.

  5. Lab Unggulan

    Create symmetric and asymmetric keys

    Key management - create symmetric and asymmetric keys

  6. Lab Unggulan

    Arcade Hero: Enter the BigQuery Table

    Arcade Hero: BigQuery Level Two

  7. Lab Unggulan

    Change firewall rules using Terraform and Cloud Shell

    Change firewall rules using Terraform.

  8. Lab Unggulan

    AlloyDB - Database Fundamentals

    In this lab, you perform several key fundamental tasks for creating and managing AlloyDB for PostgreSQL instances and databases.

  9. Lab Unggulan

    Introduction to Computer Vision with TensorFlow

    In this lab you create a computer vision model that can recognize items of clothing and then explore what affects the training model.

  10. Lab Unggulan

    Cloud SQL for MySQL: Qwik Start

    In this lab, you create a Google Cloud SQL MySQL instance and perform SQL operations using Google Cloud Platform Console and mysql client. Watch this short video, Manage PostgreSQL and MySQL Databases Easily with Cloud SQL.