Scopri la formazione Google Cloud a modo tuo.

Con oltre 980 attività di apprendimento tra cui scegliere, Google Cloud ha progettato il nostro catalogo completo pensando a te. Il catalogo è composto da una varietà di formati di attività tra cui scegliere. Scegli tra piccoli laboratori individuali o corsi multimodulo composti da video, documenti, laboratori e quiz. I nostri laboratori ti forniscono credenziali temporanee per risorse cloud reali, così puoi imparare a utilizzare Google Cloud com'è davvero. Guadagna badge per ciò che completi, definisci, monitora e misura il tuo successo con Google Cloud.

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1187 risultati
  1. Lab In primo piano

    Sending and Scheduling Looks in Looker

    In this lab, you learn about the different options for sharing Looks in Looker.

  2. Lab In primo piano

    Running Queries and Transactions

    In this lab, you learn how to run parameterized queries, create and use indexes, and execute transactions against a Spanner database.

  3. Lab In primo piano

    Continuous Delivery with Jenkins in Kubernetes Engine

    In this lab you will deploy and completely configure a continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins running on Kubernetes Engine and go through the dev - deploy process.

  4. Lab In primo piano

    Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit: Challenge Lab

    In this challenge lab, you will act as an Application Developer and/or DevOps Engineer for a Healthy Living oriented company. The company hires you to build, test and deploy a proof of concept for an AI-based chef application built on the Gemini pro model, Streamlit framework and Cloud Run.

  5. Lab In primo piano

    Iniziare a utilizzare Vertex AI Studio

    In questo lab imparerai a utilizzare Vertex AI Studio per creare prompt e conversazioni con le funzionalità multimodali di Gemini.

  6. Lab In primo piano

    Using Gemini in Education

    In this lab, you'll explore how Gemini models enhance educational experiences.

  7. Lab In primo piano

    Custom Document Extraction with Document AI Workbench

    In this lab, you will create and train a Custom Document Extractor that processes W-2 (US tax form) documents.

  8. Lab In primo piano

    Deploy a Hugo Website with Cloud Build and Firebase Pipeline

    In this lab you will learn how to deploy a static Hugo based website using Cloud Build and Firebase.

  9. Lab In primo piano

    VM Migration: Planning

    This lab provides a high level overview of the Google Cloud Adoption Framework and then deep dives into how to automate environment setup and deployments on GCP.

  10. Lab In primo piano

    Using Cloud SQL with Google Kubernetes Engine and Workload Identity

    Connect a GKE cluster to Cloud SQL using Workload Identity and a sidecar proxy.