Scopri la formazione Google Cloud a modo tuo.

Con oltre 980 attività di apprendimento tra cui scegliere, Google Cloud ha progettato il nostro catalogo completo pensando a te. Il catalogo è composto da una varietà di formati di attività tra cui scegliere. Scegli tra piccoli laboratori individuali o corsi multimodulo composti da video, documenti, laboratori e quiz. I nostri laboratori ti forniscono credenziali temporanee per risorse cloud reali, così puoi imparare a utilizzare Google Cloud com'è davvero. Guadagna badge per ciò che completi, definisci, monitora e misura il tuo successo con Google Cloud.

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1187 risultati
  1. Lab In primo piano

    VM Migration: Planning

    This lab provides a high level overview of the Google Cloud Adoption Framework and then deep dives into how to automate environment setup and deployments on GCP.

  2. Lab In primo piano

    Create a Secure Data Lake on Cloud Storage: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Create a Secure Data Lake on Cloud Storage quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  3. Lab In primo piano

    Data Publishing on BigQuery for Data Sharing Partners

    In this lab you will learn how to share datasets and publish datasets with BigQuery.

  4. Lab In primo piano Getting Started with The EOSIO Blockchain

    In this lab, you create a virtual machine (VM) to host an EOSIO blockchain.

  5. Lab In primo piano

    Protecting Google Compute resources with FortiGate

    This lab is intended for network administrators implementing network traffic inspection in Google Cloud using FortiGate next-gen firewalls. You will learn the reference architecture and configure inbound, outbound and east-west traffic inspection using a FortiGate HA cluster.

  6. Lab In primo piano

    Exploratory Data Analysis using Bigquery and Workbench Instances

    Exploratory Data Analysis using Bigquery and and Workbench Instances

  7. Lab In primo piano

    Analyzing Findings with Security Command Center

    In this lab, you learn about Security Command Center by exploring the service’s analyzed assets and export features.

  8. Lab In primo piano

    Deployment di cluster GKE Autopilot da Cloud Shell

    Utilizza questo modello per le guide dei lab create dopo l'8 aprile 2020. Segnala eventuali problemi a mafaulkner.

  9. Lab In primo piano

    Migrating MySQL User Data When Running Database Migration Service Jobs

    In this lab, you learn how to migrate MySQL user data when running Database Migration Service jobs. First, you identify the existing MySQL users and update DEFINER to INVOKER for database objects on the source instance. Next, you create and save a Database Migration Service job. Then, before running the migration …

  10. Lab In primo piano

    Managing a GKE Multi-tenant Cluster with Namespaces

    This lab explores best practices in managing and monitoring a multi-tenant cluster in order to optimize your costs.