원하는 방식의 Google Cloud 교육을 살펴보세요.

Google Cloud에서 개발자를 대상으로 한 980개 이상의 학습 활동을 선택할 수 있는 포괄적인 카탈로그를 설계했습니다. 이 카탈로그는 개발자가 선택할 수 있는 다양한 활동 형식으로 구성되어 있습니다. 짧은 분량의 개별 실습 또는 동영상, 문서, 실습, 퀴즈로 구성된 멀티 모듈 과정 중에서 선택하세요. 실습에서는 실제 클라우드 리소스에 대한 임시 사용자 인증 정보를 제공하므로 실제 리소스를 사용하여 Google Cloud를 알아볼 수 있습니다. 이수한 과정의 배지를 획득하고 Google Cloud 성과를 정의, 추적, 측정하세요.

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결과 1196개
  1. 학습 과정 추천

    Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS professionals

    The Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS professionals learning path for cloud architects and engineers with existing AWS knowledge to demonstrate Google Cloud solutions in comparison with AWS and guide professionals on their use. The learner will apply the knowledge of concepts and technologies in AWS to see how t…

  2. 학습 과정 추천

    Google Cloud Infrastructure for Azure professionals

    The Google Cloud Infrastructure for Azure professionals learning path for cloud architects and engineers with existing Azure knowledge to demonstrate Google Cloud solutions in comparison with Azure and guide professionals on their use. The learner will apply the knowledge of concepts and technologies in Azure to s…

  3. 학습 과정 추천

    DevSecOps Learning Path

    A DevSecOps develops, implements, and monitors their organization’s security infrastructure to protect sensitive information.

  4. 학습 과정 추천

    IT Heroes Summit learning path

    Market dynamics are demanding businesses optimize everything, and do more with less. Whether you're looking to innovate and automate with A/ML, rebalancing budgets, and drive velocity, or kickstart your sustainability initiatives, it's a Herculean task. That's why we've put together a set of learning paths to help…

  5. 학습 과정 추천

    Public Sector Learning Path

    The Public Sector learning path covers three key topics:Data, Security, and AI/ML in the context of public sector utilization of Google Cloud. The courses in this path pair public sector-specific coverage of a topic, such as sharing data with Dataplex and Analytics Hub, with recommendations for courses that go dee…

  6. 학습 과정 추천

    Beginner: Introduction to Generative AI Learning Path

    이 학습 과정에서는 대규모 언어 모델의 기초부터 책임감 있는 AI 원칙에 이르기까지 생성형 AI 개념에 대한 개요를 제공합니다.

  7. 학습 과정 추천

    Cloud Architect Accelerated Learning Path for AWS professionals

    This learning path helps AWS professionals translate their existing AWS knowledge to Google Cloud knowledge, while also preparing them for the Professional Google Cloud Architect Certification. Upon completion, we invite you to continue your multicloud education with the following courses and skill badge: BigQuer…

  8. 학습 과정 추천

    Cloud Architect Accelerated Learning Path for Azure professionals

    This learning path helps Azure professionals translate their existing Azure knowledge to Google Cloud knowledge, while also preparing them for the Professional Google Cloud Architect Certification. The learning path provides an understanding of how Google Cloud technologies compare with Azure, and guides professio…

  9. 학습 과정 추천

    Advanced: Generative AI for Developers Learning Path

    A Generative AI Learning Path with a technical focus, built for App Developers, Machine Learning Engineers, and Data Scientists. Recommended prerequisite: Introduction to Generative AI learning path.

  10. 학습 과정 추천

    Google Cloud Next 2023 Learning Path

    This learning path contains courses and hands-on activities related to breakout session content and launches announced at Google Cloud Next 2023.