Korzystaj ze szkoleń Google Cloud zgodnie ze swoimi potrzebami.

W Google Cloud stworzyliśmy dla Ciebie katalog z ponad 980 modułami i kursami szkoleniowymi. Możesz w nim wybierać różne rodzaje aktywności: krótkie pojedyncze moduły lub kursy składające się z wielu modułów zawierających filmy, dokumenty i testy. W ramach naszych modułów przyznajemy Ci tymczasowe uprawnienia do rzeczywistych zasobów w chmurze, co umożliwia naukę korzystania z chmury przy użyciu prawdziwego środowiska. Zdobywaj odznaki za ukończone moduły, a także ustalaj swoje cele oraz śledź i mierz postępy w ich realizacji w Google Cloud.

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Wyniki: 1187
  1. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Data Lake Modernization on Google Cloud: Data Governance

    Welcome to Data Governance, where we discuss how to implement data governance on Google Cloud.

  2. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Data Lake Modernization on Google Cloud: Cloud Composer

    Welcome to Cloud Composer, where we discuss how to orchestrate data lake workflows with Cloud Composer.

  3. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Data Lake Modernization on Google Cloud: Migrate Workflows

    Welcome to Migrate Workflows, where we discuss how to migrate Spark and Hadoop tasks and workflows to Google Cloud.

  4. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Planetary Scale Earth Observation with Google Earth Engine

    Learn how public sector agencies and academic researchers leverage Google Earth Engine to distill meaningful insights from petabytes of Earth Observation at planetary scale. Google Earth Engine is a fully managed geospatial platform that has enabled research for more than a decade in environmental areas such as fo…

  5. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Google Cloud IAM and Networking for Azure Professionals

    This is the first course of a four-course series for cloud architects and engineers with existing Azure knowledge, and it compares Google Cloud and Azure solutions and guides professionals on their use. This course focuses on Identity and Access Management (IAM) and networking in Google Cloud. The learners apply…

  6. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Google Cloud Storage and Containers for AWS Professionals

    This is the third course of a four-course series for cloud architects and engineers with existing AWS knowledge, and it compares Google Cloud and AWS solutions and guides professionals on their use. This course focuses on Storage Options and containers in Google Cloud. The learners apply the knowledge of storag…

  7. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Deploy and Monitor in Google Cloud for AWS Professionals

    This is the fourth course of a four-course series for cloud architects and engineers with existing AWS knowledge. It compares Google Cloud and AWS solutions and guides professionals on their use. This course focuses on deploying and monitoring applications in Google Cloud. The learners apply the knowledge of mo…

  8. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Google Cloud Storage and Containers for Azure Professionals

    This is the third course of a four-course series for cloud architects and engineers with existing Azure knowledge. It compares Google Cloud and Azure solutions and guides professionals on their use. This course focuses on storage options and containers in Google Cloud. The learners apply the knowledge of storag…

  9. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Google Cloud IAM and Networking for AWS Professionals

    This is the first course of a four-course series for cloud architects and engineers with existing AWS knowledge, and it compares Google Cloud and AWS solutions and guides professionals on their use. This course focuses on Identity and Access Management (IAM) and networking in Google Cloud. The learners apply the…

  10. Szkolenie Wyróżnione

    Deploy and Monitor in Google Cloud for Azure Professionals

    This is the fourth course of a four-course series for cloud architects and engineers with existing Azure knowledge. It compares Google Cloud and Azure solutions and guides professionals on their use. This course focuses on deploying and monitoring applications in Google Cloud. The learners apply the knowledge o…