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980'den fazla öğrenim aktivitesi barındıran kapsamlı Google Cloud kataloğu, ihtiyaçlarınıza uygun şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Katalogda çeşitli aktivite formatları yer alır. Tek parçalık kısa laboratuvarlar ya da video, belge, laboratuvar ve testler içeren çok modüllü kurslar arasından seçim yapabilirsiniz. Laboratuvarlarımız kapsamında, gerçek bulut kaynaklarına erişmeniz için geçici kimlik bilgileri verilir. Böylece Google Cloud'u doğrudan platformu kullanarak öğrenebilirsiniz. Google Cloud'da tamamladığınız aktivitelerden rozetler kazanabilir, bu sayede ilerlemenizi öğrenebilir, takip edebilir ve ölçebilirsiniz.

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1186 results
  1. Lab Featured

    App Engine: 3 Ways: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your understanding of how to deploy a sample "hello world" application in the Google App Engine standard environment.

  2. Lab Featured

    Managing Relationships with Foreign Keys and Interleaved Tables

    In this lab, you create a database with multiple tables, and use both primary-foreign key contraints and interleaved tables to manage relationships.

  3. Lab Featured

    Explore SAP Data Foundation using Looker Dashboards

    Visualize the Google Cloud Cortex Data Foundation for SAP by viewing reports pre-installed in a Looker instance

  4. Lab Featured

    Cloud Logging on Kubernetes Engine

    In this lab you will deploy a sample application to Kubernetes Engine that forwards log events to Cloud Logging.

  5. Lab Featured

    APIs Explorer: Create and Update a Cluster

    In this lab you’ll learn how to use an inline Google APIs Explorer template to call the Cloud Dataproc API to create a cluster, run a simple Spark job in the cluster, and update the cluster.

  6. Lab Featured

    Connect an App to a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Instance

    In this lab, you create a Kubernetes cluster and deploy a simple application to that cluster. Then, you connect the application to the supplied Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database instance and confirm that it is able to write to and read from it.

  7. Lab Featured

    Creating and managing SQL pipelines

    Create a BigQuery schema

  8. Lab Featured

    Creating Spanner Instances and Databases (CLI and Terraform)

    In this lab, you automate the creation of Spanner instances and databases using the Google Cloud SDK, the Command Line Interface (CLI), and Terraform.

  9. Lab Featured

    Implement CI/CD Pipelines on Google Cloud: Challenge Lab

    This lab will challenge you to create a CI/CD pipeline, deploy an application to GKE, and rollback that deployment.

  10. Lab Featured

    Using BigQuery and Cloud Logging to Analyze BigQuery Usage

    In this lab you view the BigQuery logs inside Cloud Logging, set up a sink to export them back into BigQuery, and then use SQL to analyze the logs.