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1187 条结果
  1. 实验 精选

    Working with Onscreen Data in a Flutter Application

    In this lab you will develop a Flutter app using a ListView widget. Learn how to contruct a Flutter application that is capable of efficiently showing a list of data. Customise the application AppBar to provide additional functionality.

  2. 实验 精选

    Google Kubernetes Engine Security: Binary Authorization

    This lab deploys a Kubernetes Engine Cluster with the Binary Authorization feature enabled; you'll learn how to whitelist approved container registries and the process of creating and running a signed container.

  3. 实验 精选

    Build an application to send Chat Prompts using the Gemini model

    In this lab, you will learn how to use Google's Vertex AI SDK to interact with the powerful Gemini generative AI model, enabling you to send text based chat prompts as an input and receive personalized streaming and non-streaming chat responses.

  4. 实验 精选

    使用 PaLM 设计提示

    本实验重点介绍提示设计的要点和最佳实践,帮助您了解如何设计高质量的提示、如何与 PaLM 进行交互以获取所需回答,以及如何辨识回答中的幻觉。

  5. 实验 精选

    了解并综合运用 GKE 自动扩缩策略

    在本实验中,您将了解各种不同 Google Kubernetes Engine 自动扩缩策略的优势,其中包括执行 Pod 级扩缩的 Pod 横向自动扩缩和 Pod 纵向自动扩缩,以及执行节点级扩缩的集群自动扩缩器和节点自动预配功能。

  6. 实验 精选

    在 Looker 中对数据进行过滤和排序

    在本实验中,您将学习如何对数据进行过滤和排序,以及如何通过 Looker 创建 Look。

  7. 实验 精选

    Connect to Cloud SQL from an Application in Google Kubernetes Engine

    This lab shows how easy it is to connect an application in Google Kubernetes Engine to a Cloud SQL instance using the Cloud SQL Proxy container as a sidecar container. You will deploy a GKE cluster and a Cloud SQL Postgres instance and use the Cloud SQL Proxy container to allow communication between them.

  8. 实验 精选

    Cloud Endpoints: Qwik Start

    In this lab you'll deploy a sample API with Google Cloud Endpoints.

  9. 实验 精选

    Streaming HL7 to FHIR Data with Dataflow and the Healthcare API

    In this lab, you will explore some of the features of Cloud Healthcare API (HCAPI) to stream simulated HL7v2 messages into HCAPI datastores and convert HL7v2 to FHIR and import the FHIR data into BigQuery for analytical use.

  10. 实验 精选

    AlloyDB - Database Fundamentals

    In this lab, you perform several key fundamental tasks for creating and managing AlloyDB for PostgreSQL instances and databases.