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Google Cloud 提供 980 多项学习活动供您选择,我们设计的目录完整全面,充分考虑了您的需求。该目录包含各种可供您选择的活动形式,既有简短的单个实验,也有由视频、文档、实验和测验组成的多模块课程,您可以根据需求进行选择。我们的实验可为您提供实际云资源的临时凭据,以便您通过实际操作掌握 Google Cloud 知识。您可以跟踪、衡量和了解自己的 Google Cloud 学习进度,完成学习活动即可赢取徽章!

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1186 条结果
  1. 实验 精选

    Collect, process, and store data in BigQuery

    Create and import data in BigQuery

  2. 实验 精选

    Modernizing Applications with Apigee X

    In this lab, you deploy a backend service on Cloud Run. The backend service implements a REST API for a bank, storing customers, accounts, ATMs, and transactions in a Firestore database. You create a shared flow that retrieves and caches content from an external service. You then call that shared flow from your AP…

  3. 实验 精选

    Manage Multi-cluster Workloads at Scale with GKE Fleets and Teams

    Provision and manage infrastructure resources for different teams with GKE Enterprise's fleet team management features

  4. 实验 精选

    Predict Baby Weight with TensorFlow on Vertex AI

    In this lab you train, evaluate, and deploy a machine learning model to predict a baby’s weight. You then send requests to the model to make online predictions. This lab is part of a series of labs on processing scientific data.

  5. 实验 精选

    Tracking Cryptocurrency Exchange Trades with Google Cloud Platform in Real-Time

    In this lab you will use Google Cloud services to help graph trades, volume, and time delta from trade execution to see any patterns in the high volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

  6. 实验 精选

    开始使用 Vector Search 和嵌入

    在本实验中,您将使用文本嵌入和 Vertex AI Vector Search,根据文本内容查找相似文档。

  7. 实验 精选

    使用多模态 Gemini 和多模态 RAG 检查富文档:实验室挑战赛

    本实验将考查您以下方面的知识:使用多模态提示从文本数据和视觉数据中提取信息、将多模态检索增强生成 (RAG) 与 Gemini 配合使用,以获取所有相关文本并输出引用。

  8. 实验 精选

    Creating a Gmail Add-on

    In this hands-on lab you create a Gmail Add-on that allows you to quickly change the labels of an email thread.

  9. 实验 精选

    Redacting Confidential Data within your Pipelines in Cloud Data Fusion

    In this lab you wil learn how to use the Cloud Data Fusion plugin for Cloud DLP to redact sensitive data.

  10. 实验 精选

    Getting Started with Cloud Data Fusion

    In this lab you will learn how to create a Data Fusion instance and deploy a sample pipeline