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Google Cloud 提供 980 多项学习活动供您选择,我们设计的目录完整全面,充分考虑了您的需求。该目录包含各种可供您选择的活动形式,既有简短的单个实验,也有由视频、文档、实验和测验组成的多模块课程,您可以根据需求进行选择。我们的实验可为您提供实际云资源的临时凭据,以便您通过实际操作掌握 Google Cloud 知识。您可以跟踪、衡量和了解自己的 Google Cloud 学习进度,完成学习活动即可赢取徽章!

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1186 条结果
  1. 实验 精选

    Preparing and Aggregating Data for Visualizations using Cloud Dataprep

    Dataprep by Alteryx is Google's self-service data preparation tool built in collaboration with Alteryx. In this lab you will learn some more advanced techniques with Dataprep.

  2. 实验 精选

    Getting Started with Cloud Data Fusion

    In this lab you will learn how to create a Data Fusion instance and deploy a sample pipeline

  3. 实验 精选

    Deploying Spanner Applications with Cloud Functions and Cloud Run

    In this lab, you write applications that utilize Spanner databases, and deploy them to both Cloud Functions and Cloud Run. You also install, configure, and enable the Spanner emulator for use in development environments.

  4. 实验 精选

    Continuous Delivery with Google Cloud Deploy

    Create a delivery pipeline using Google Cloud Deploy, create a release for a basic application, and promote the application through a series of Google Kubernetes Engine targets

  5. 实验 精选

    Cloud Composer:跨不同位置复制 BigQuery 表

    在本实验中,您将在 Cloud Composer 中创建并运行 Apache Airflow 工作流,以将位于美国 Cloud Storage 存储桶中 BigQuery 数据集中的表导出到位于欧盟的存储桶,然后将这些表导入位于欧盟的 BigQuery 数据集。

  6. 实验 精选

    Flutter Quiz

    This lab is based on Flutter development, learn more about this topic by taking the Flutter labs.

  7. 实验 精选

    Identify vulnerabilities and remediation techniques

    Use vulnerability scans to identify security issues and remediate them.

  8. 实验 精选

    Gemini Explorer:实验室挑战赛

    此实验室挑战赛旨在检验您通过“Gemini Explorer”课程的各个实验所掌握的技能和知识。在尝试此挑战赛之前,您应该先熟悉先前各个实验的内容。

  9. 实验 精选

    使用 Dataplex 构建数据网格:实验室挑战赛

    此实验室挑战赛旨在检验您通过使用 Dataplex 构建数据网格挑战任务的各个实验所掌握的技能和知识。在尝试此挑战赛之前,您应该先熟悉各个实验的内容。

  10. 实验 精选

    Using Elastic Stack to Monitor Google Cloud

    In this lab you will learn how to use the Elastic Stack to monitor Google Cloud Platform.