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Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud

Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud

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Many traditional enterprises use legacy systems and applications that often struggle to achieve the scale and speed needed to meet modern customer expectations. Business leaders and IT decision makers constantly have to choose between maintenance of legacy systems and investing in innovative new products and services. This course explores the challenges of an outdated IT infrastructure and how businesses can modernize it using cloud technology. It begins by exploring the different compute options available in the cloud and the benefits of each, before turning to application modernization and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The course also considers a range of Google Cloud solutions that can help businesses to better develop and manage their systems, such as Compute Engine, App Engine, and Apigee.
Informacje o szkoleniu
  • Describe the key benefits of infrastructure and app modernization with reference to cloud technology.
  • Differentiate between virtual machines, containers, and Kubernetes.
  • Explain the Google Cloud solutions that help businesses to better manage their systems, such as App Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine.
  • Explain how Google Cloud solutions support app modernization and simplify API management.
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