Building Applications with Eventarc on Google Cloud
Building Applications with Eventarc on Google Cloud
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This course teaches you how to build and secure event-driven applications by using Eventarc. Using lectures and hands-on labs, you create Eventarc triggers to route events from Google Cloud services to event receivers that act on the events. You learn about the standard CloudEvents format that is used by Eventarc, and you build and deploy an event receiver service to consume events.
Course Info
- Describe the strengths and use cases of Eventarc.
- Identify the event providers and destinations supported by Eventarc.
- Describe the methods used to secure Eventarc.
- Create an event receiver service by using the CloudEvents SDK.
You should complete the course "Service Orchestration and Choreography on Google Cloud" before taking this course.
Programming experience is recommended.
Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments is helpful.
Application developers, architects, and cloud engineers
Available languages
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