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Network Performance and Optimization

Network Performance and Optimization

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4 год Середній universal_currency_alt 1 кредит
If you want to take your Google Cloud networking skills to the next level, look no further. This course is composed of labs that cover real-life use cases and it will teach you best practices for overcoming common networking bottlenecks. From getting hands-on practice with testing and improving network performance, to integrating high-throughput VPNs and networking tiers, Network Performance and Optimization is an essential course for Google Cloud developers who are looking to double down on application speed and robustness.

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Значок за Network Performance and Optimization
Інформація про курс
Рівень попередньої підготовки
This Quest requires proficiency in computing and networking. It is recommended that the student have at least earned a Badge by completing the hands-on labs in the Networking in the Google Cloud and/or Cloud Architecture Courses before beginning.
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