Implementing a Hub and Spoke using NCC avis

Implementing a Hub and Spoke using NCC avis

372 avis

Instructions poor.

Christopher C. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

Roman L. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

Chandresh K. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

Moses H. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

The lab guide fails to align with the product specifics, such as the it does mention use mesh or start topology

Liu V. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

The lab is not working as it should. Furthermore it writes about a connection when the tasks refer to ICMP traffic exclusively which has no concept of a connection. It would be good if people with actual knowledge of networking concepts would take a look at this.

Julius S. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

Mubarak a. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

Unable to complete the last assignment - even though it works!

Jakub P. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

inaccurate instructions

Christos K. · Examiné il y a 25 jours

Rajeev R. · Examiné il y a 25 jours


Chandra Mohan M. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

Alfonsus K. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

Wasim H. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

Wasim H. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

There is a problem on step 5, is it very hard to fix?

Ahmed N. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

Nitin J. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

Nitin J. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

Anil C. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

Anil C. · Examiné il y a 26 jours

Marc Anthony C. · Examiné il y a 27 jours

unable to get points for reset connectivity, when I have completed the steps

Pankaj K. · Examiné il y a 27 jours

unable to get points for reset connectivity, when I have completed the steps

Pankaj K. · Examiné il y a 27 jours

when i try Task 5. Retest connectivity it function but the check progress isn't i get 60/100 I tryit 3 times but nothing pass with step 5 same issue again

Juan O. · Examiné il y a 27 jours

when i try Task 5. Retest connectivity it function but the check progress isn't i get 60/100 same issue again

Juan O. · Examiné il y a 27 jours

ROY K. · Examiné il y a 27 jours

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