Implementing a Hub and Spoke using NCC のレビュー

Implementing a Hub and Spoke using NCC のレビュー

364 件のレビュー

instructions are not clear as the previous lab, some of them are confusing the topology tool section is poor in instructions

Solórzano Werner · 7日前にレビュー済み

González Samuel · 7日前にレビュー済み

Perez Manuel · 7日前にレビュー済み

Perez Manuel · 7日前にレビュー済み

Ahmed Sajid · 7日前にレビュー済み

Kravchenko Viacheslav · 8日前にレビュー済み

Lab fails validation on task 5

Leroy Paul · 8日前にレビュー済み

Instructions are not clear. Last check is also not configured correctly.

Vikkath Anand · 8日前にレビュー済み

Last step does not work

Costa David · 8日前にレビュー済み

Vahlstedt Henrik · 8日前にレビュー済み

task 5 not working properly

Sharma Namit · 8日前にレビュー済み

for task6: purpose is to test connection. can not proceed for completion as it wants to have an "internal connection" created for 2 spokes. there is no clear outlined steps for this.

Amahit Karen Lacuna · 8日前にレビュー済み

JEGHAM Tahar · 8日前にレビュー済み

Smotth and steady

Birch Vitaliy · 8日前にレビュー済み

Dang Vinh Nguyen · 8日前にレビュー済み

Instructions were confusing when the NCC hub was created, the actual page didn't request for a hub. Finally, the last step was not validated correctly, even when ping command ran successfully and a connectivity test passed

Rodriguez Mario · 8日前にレビュー済み

Could not get the final check to be successful, even though all the connectivity seemed to work fine. There were no other details on how to correct this. Many details are assumed.

Leatherman Erik · 8日前にレビュー済み

Montes Miranda Lizbeth Berenice · 8日前にレビュー済み

Akbari Mohammad · 9日前にレビュー済み


GOOGLEUSER Gunjan · 9日前にレビュー済み

Akbari Mohammad · 9日前にレビュー済み

lab is broken, - fails in restest connectivitiy

Hölscher Kai · 9日前にレビュー済み

Okolocha Jessica · 9日前にレビュー済み

Eropunov Sergey · 9日前にレビュー済み

Eropunov Sergey · 9日前にレビュー済み

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