Google Cloud Essential Skills: Challenge Lab avaliações
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    Google Cloud Essential Skills: Challenge Lab avaliações

    195 avaliações

    Maciej S. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Zbigniew R. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Yinlin C. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Emmanuel S. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Michal M. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    I like that qwiklabs has expanded to challenge labs. some of the instructions are confusing. for example " Deploy a simple Apache web server (a placeholder for the new product site) to learn the basics of running a server on a virtual machine instance." feels like it was cut and pasted from another task, and doesn't apply to a challenge lab. Additionally, the exact same wordage - including the quoted - is used twice in the lab. Yeah, I figured out what you wanted done, but is that a realism factor, assume your boss gave you confusing instructions, and still get the job done.

    Gregory D. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Piotr S. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Mateusz N. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Karol M. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Cyrille H. · Revisado há almost 7 years

    Arun S. · Revisado há about 7 years

    Satish G. · Revisado há about 7 years

    Daniel F. · Revisado há about 7 years

    Gabriel B. · Revisado há about 7 years


    Shyam S. · Revisado há about 7 years


    Nicholus I. · Revisado há about 7 years

    It was good

    Fridah K. · Revisado há about 7 years

    there are very little instructions on the lab part

    ralph y. · Revisado há about 7 years

    there are very little instructions on the lab part

    ralph y. · Revisado há about 7 years

    Thomas J. · Revisado há about 7 years

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