Securing Google Cloud with CFT Scorecard Reviews

Securing Google Cloud with CFT Scorecard Reviews

15356 reviews

Muhammad H. · Reviewed حوالي 10 ساعات ago

Shekhar K. · Reviewed حوالي 18 ساعة ago

Tousif C. · Reviewed حوالي 21 ساعة ago

Nikhil P. · Reviewed حوالي 23 ساعة ago

Tu N. · Reviewed يوم واحد ago

AHMED M. · Reviewed يومان ago

Francisco Jose G. · Reviewed 3 أيام ago


Gabriel Newton d. · Reviewed 5 أيام ago

Sudhir M. · Reviewed 8 أيام ago

Vineet T. · Reviewed 8 أيام ago

Atul J. · Reviewed 9 أيام ago

daneh d. · Reviewed 9 أيام ago

Pankaj S. · Reviewed 10 أيام ago

Adrian P. · Reviewed 10 أيام ago

Radhish A. · Reviewed 11 يوم ago

Valdir J. · Reviewed 12 يوم ago

Ethan H. · Reviewed 12 يوم ago

Marinela P. · Reviewed 14 يوم ago

Rajesh Sarma H. · Reviewed 14 يوم ago

Ghita Razvan L. · Reviewed 16 يوم ago

The internal command in the following was failing. I was able to get the project number by using gcloud projects describe $GOOGLE_PROJECT gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${GOOGLE_PROJECT} \ --member=serviceAccount:service-$(gcloud projects list --filter="$GOOGLE_PROJECT" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)") \ --role=roles/storage.admin

Billy F. · Reviewed 16 يوم ago

Aldhitya P. · Reviewed 16 يوم ago

Cyd R. · Reviewed 17 يوم ago

Abhishek P. · Reviewed 17 يوم ago

Mergim H. · Reviewed 18 يوم ago

We do not ensure the published reviews originate from consumers who have purchased or used the products. Reviews are not verified by Google.