Before you begin
- Labs create a Google Cloud project and resources for a fixed time
- Labs have a time limit and no pause feature. If you end the lab, you'll have to restart from the beginning.
- On the top left of your screen, click Start lab to begin
Check Firestore Database Deployment
/ 25
Check Cloud Shell application Deployment
/ 25
Check App Engine Application Deployments
/ 25
Check App Engine application Deployment
/ 25
Go is an open source programming language supported by Google that makes it easy to build fast, reliable, and efficient software at scale. In this lab you explore the basics of Go by compiling and testing a Go app interactively in Cloud Shell, and then deploying it to App Engine. You then use the Go app to access data in BigQuery and Firestore.
In this lab, you perform the following:
commandsRead these instructions. Labs are timed and you cannot pause them. The timer, which starts when you click Start Lab, shows how long Google Cloud resources are made available to you.
This hands-on lab lets you do the lab activities in a real cloud environment, not in a simulation or demo environment. It does so by giving you new, temporary credentials you use to sign in and access Google Cloud for the duration of the lab.
To complete this lab, you need:
Click the Start Lab button. If you need to pay for the lab, a dialog opens for you to select your payment method. On the left is the Lab Details pane with the following:
Click Open Google Cloud console (or right-click and select Open Link in Incognito Window if you are running the Chrome browser).
The lab spins up resources, and then opens another tab that shows the Sign in page.
Tip: Arrange the tabs in separate windows, side-by-side.
If necessary, copy the Username below and paste it into the Sign in dialog.
You can also find the Username in the Lab Details pane.
Click Next.
Copy the Password below and paste it into the Welcome dialog.
You can also find the Password in the Lab Details pane.
Click Next.
Click through the subsequent pages:
After a few moments, the Google Cloud console opens in this tab.
Cloud Shell is a virtual machine that is loaded with development tools. It offers a persistent 5GB home directory and runs on the Google Cloud. Cloud Shell provides command-line access to your Google Cloud resources.
Click Activate Cloud Shell at the top of the Google Cloud console.
Click through the following windows:
When you are connected, you are already authenticated, and the project is set to your Project_ID,
is the command-line tool for Google Cloud. It comes pre-installed on Cloud Shell and supports tab-completion.
, in Google Cloud, refer to the gcloud CLI overview guide.
Go (golang) is a general-purpose language designed with systems programming in mind. It is strongly typed and garbage-collected and has explicit support for concurrent programming. Programs are constructed from packages, whose properties allow efficient management of dependencies.
Go runs native on Google Cloud, and is fully supported on Google Kubernetes Engine, Compute Engine, App Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions. Google Cloud has open source client libraries for Google Cloud service which can be found on GitHub. Go is also used in production by thousands of enterprises, including some of Google Cloud's largest customers. Learn how enterprises develop with Go at Go.dev.
Unlike Python and Javascript, Go is a compiled language and not interpreted. Go source code is compiled into machine code before execution. As a result, Go is typically faster and more efficient than interpreted languages and does not require a runtime like Node, Python, or JDK to execute.
The cross compile feature of Go streamlines the build process and makes Go one of the most portable languages in existence. You can build a Go program for any supported platform and CPU type, from any platform and CPU type. For example, if you are developing a Go program on OS X, you can simply change build parameters to build that application as an .exe
file that will run on Windows. Cross compilation in Go simplifies CI/CD pipelines and testing.
Go focuses on function over construction. This means you spend less time worrying about program construction and more time accomplishing project objectives.
A few simple commands are all you need to deploy your source code across a range of Google Cloud Serverless technologies. This makes it easy to deploy Go apps on Google Cloud.
Source code written in Go is expected to have a long life. For the specifics of Go compatibility, see Go 1 and the Future of Go Programs. In short, Go code written using the Go 1 guidelines will continue to compile and run for the lifetime of Go 1 (10 years and climbing).
Google Cloud offers several options for running your code. In this introduction to running a basic Go app, you deploy and test a Go app interactively, in Cloud Shell, and on App Engine.
App Engine is well suited for running Go apps. App Engine is a serverless compute platform that is fully managed to scale up and down as workloads demand. Go apps are compiled to a single binary executable file during the deployment. Cold Start (zero instances running) request initial response times are often between 80 and 1400 milliseconds. Hot (at least 1 instance running ) requests are fulfilled immediately. Go apps running on App Engine give you the best of the cloud by being extremely efficient with CPU and memory resources at cloud scale with the App Engine service.
The data flow architecture of a Go app deployed on App Engine looks like the diagram below:
In this lab, you’ll deploy a sample Go app called Google Cloud Data Drive. This app is developed by Google to help developers extract data from Google Cloud quickly, and is one of a series of tools that demonstrate effective usage patterns for using Cloud APIs and services.
Google Cloud Data Drive leverages a composable URL path to retrieve data in JSON format from two supported Google Cloud data platforms: BigQuery and Firestore.
Cloud Shell is developer ready and pre-configured with Go and many other languages.
Example output:
This lab uses sample data in BigQuery and Firestore to test your Go app.
BigQuery is a serverless, future proof data warehouse with numerous features for machine learning, data partitioning, and segmentation. BigQuery lets you analyze gigabytes to petabytes of data using ANSI SQL at blazing-fast speeds, and with zero operational overhead.
The BigQuery dataset is a view of California zip codes and was created for you when the lab started.
Firestore is a serverless document database with super fast document lookup and real-time eventing features. It is also capable of a 99.999% SLA. To use data in Firestore to test your app, you must initialize Firestore in native mode, then import the sample data into a storage bucket.
It takes a few minutes to import data into Firestore. The import process loads a Firestore backup of a collection called symbols
into the $PROJECT_ID-firestore
storage bucket. This is sample data that is common to retailers and contains UPC and product information.
While you wait, continue to the next section.
In this lab you use the Google Cloud Data Drive application to demonstrate basic structure and effective usage patterns for using Go to access Cloud API's and services. Google Cloud Data Drive has been written not only for this lab but as something you could implement in your environment.
The Google Cloud Data Drive Go app leverages a simple composable URL path to retrieve data in JSON format from supported Google Cloud data platforms. The Google Cloud Data Drive app supports BigQuery and Firestore, but could be modified to support any data source. For more details see Google Cloud Data Drive on GitHub.
fileThe DIY-Tools/gcp-data-drive/cmd/webserver/main.go
file in the project is the entry point for the application. There is nothing special about the name main.go
. The compiler is looking for the package main
(below) and the function main
To get familiar with the structure of a Go program, view the code in this file in GitHub.
Package name: The package name "main" is used when the source code is executed directly. There are some exceptions to this, but for now consider anything with a package name "main" to be the first source code to get executed. For more information, see The Go Programming Language Specification for Packages.
The package definition defines the package that this source file belongs to, in this case main
Imports: Import statements define what internal or external Go packages to use in the source code. A short path, like "log" or "net/http", indicates that the package is included in the Go installation. By contrast, an import of github.com/foo
would cause Go to retrieve the external dependency from GitHub at build time. For a more detailed explanation of Go imports refer to The Go Programming Language Specification for Import declarations.
This import statement lists the packages used for this app:
Functions: Go function declarations name a block of Go source code and defines inputs and outputs for that source. The combination of the function name, input parameters, and outputs are also known as the function signature. For more information, refer to The Go Programming Language Specification on Function declarations.
functionThe main
function, shown below, is in the DIY-Tools/gcp-data-drive/cmd/webserver/main.go
The func
keyword names a block of code. In this case "main
" is the name of the function definition.
. This function processes and responds to HTTP traffic.port = 8080
).With this very small block of Go code, you have created a very simple HTTP server.
In this section you explore how to connect to Google Cloud data platforms. The code needed to retrieve data from each data platform differs based on the underlying technology your code needs to access. This varies because the individual Google Cloud data platforms differ in the problems they solve and how the data they store is accessed.
BigQuery is a serverless, future proof data warehouse with numerous features for machine learning, data partitioning, and segmentation. This lets you analyze gigabytes to petabytes of data using ANSI SQL at blazing-fast speeds, and with zero operational overhead.
Firestore is a serverless document database, with super fast document lookup and real-time eventing features. It is also capable of a 99.999% SLA.
Go excels at masking the complexity that arises when working with different platforms like these while surfacing a simple API. You will explore that later; for now, look at how data are extracted from BigQuery using Go.
The DIY-Tools/gcp-data-drive/bq.go
file contains the Go code that extracts data from BigQuery.
In this snippet notice the b.query.Read()
statement. In this context, b
represents a variable that was passed to this function as a pointer to a bqdataplatform
. The variable b
is a memory pointer to a struct of type bqdataplatform
that has a property named query
, and query
has a function named Read
The call to the Read
function returns results, so we collect those results and encode them to JSON.
In the following snippet, the for
statement collects the results into a slice of map named res
. Once the results are gathered they are encoded to JSON in the return
The DIY-Tools/gcp-data-drive/fs.go
file contains the Go code that retrieves data from Firestore. This code is similar to the code used to get data from BigQuery in the previous section.
Firestore has the concept of a collection/document/collection/document pattern to store documents. In the case of Firestore we can get either just a single document or a list of documents in a collection.
You've just seen how to pull data from a Cloud data platform such as BigQuery and Firestore. In this section look at the overall Go program structure and see how the demo application for this lab, Google Cloud Data Drive, is written in a modular way to support any number of underlying data platforms.
The Google Cloud Data Drive app is a JSON data service that retrieves data from either BigQuery or Firestore. You will deploy this service on App Engine later in this lab to see it in action. You use the following HTTP URL patterns to get data from Cloud platforms via gcp-data-drive
BigQuery: https://<<host>>/bq/projectid/dataset/view
Firestore: https://<<host>>/fs/projectid/collection/document...
The host in these examples is the URL you use to access the server or service that gcp-data-drive
runs on, or is deployed to.
to walk through an HTTP request to see how this reusablity is accomplished.Notice in the func main()
the HTTP listener is specified by the http.HandleFunc
function. This function takes two parameters: a path string and a function. Yes, functions can be parameters in Go. The http.HandleFunc
function call defines the function that is used to process requests for the specified path. In this case, since the path is "/"
, all HTTP requests are sent to a function in the gcpdatadrive
module called GetJSONData
and the request data, for example the full URL request path, are passed as parameters to that function.
and providing a PEM
file containing the certificate you want to use.
file.Interfaces in Go provide a way to specify the behavior of an object: if something can do this, then it can be used here. Interfaces with only one or two methods are common in Go code, and are usually given a name derived from the method, such as io.Writer for something that implements Write. For more information, see The Go Programming Language Specification on Interface types.
type dataplatform interface
.A Go interface is arguably the most valuable feature in Go. In the case of gcp-data-drive
a dataPlatform interface
is created to group methods together. When a struct type is created in Go and it has the same methods as an interface, the struct type is said to have "implicitly implemented" the Go interface. More details will come later, for now just remember that Go interfaces are groups of methods and Go types implement Go interfaces implicitly.
In this next code snippet, you see the definition of the GetJSONData
function. This function was referenced in main.go
as the code to be used as the HTTP handler function.
takes an http.ResponseWriter
and a http.Request
as parameters. Each time an HTTP request is received in the main function, this GetJSONData
function is called.
Notice the line conParams, err := parseDDURL(r)
. This line calls another function, parseDDURL
, that parses the URL contained in the parameter r, which is an http.Request
Line pd, err := parseDataPlatform(r.Context(), conParams)
, calls the parseDataPlatform
The parseDataPlatform
function identifies the data platform and returns the function that is used to query data from that platform or provide an error message detailing the platforms that are supported.
Go has a switch flow control statement as you might expect in any language. In this case you are switching on the platform indicator provided in the URL. Remember the request format that the gcp-data-drive
application expects is in the format https://<host>/<platform>/...
and the <platform>
position in the URL determines which function to call, newBQPlatform()
for BigQuery or newFSPlatform()
for Firestore. The source of these functions are in bq.go
and fs.go
Pay attention to the return statements of the parseDataPlatform()
function. Each of these methods return different Go types, but because each data platform type implicitly implements the methods of the dataplatform interface, you can return it to the GetJSONData
Back in the GetJSONData
function, be sure that your getData
method is available because it is required for the dataPlatform
Go interfaces are a big topic, and this lab merely scratches the surface. The key takeaway is that even though Go is a statically typed and compiled language, using Go interfaces can make modular programs and services that maximize code reuse.
To see additional data platform support, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
This section shows how easy it is to interactively compile and run Go apps.
This saves the compiled application into the gcp-data-drive
binary in the current directory. Since this is the first use of go build on this machine, you see Go download and provision several external libraries. Each library is cached so additional builds are fast. Run the same command again and notice the difference.
Leave the application running in this Cloud Shell tab.
The Google Cloud Data Drive app responds to HTTP requests, parsing the request URL to extract parameters about the target Cloud data service. Once the application has those parameters it queries the required platform and returns data in JSON format.
These HTTP URL patterns are used to get data from Google Cloud using the Google Cloud Data Drive app.
Parameter |
Description |
The base URL for the application from App Engine or Cloud In this case, local running of the application, it is the first part of the URL from the Web Preview, similar to this:
The Project ID of the Firestore Collection or BigQuery Dataset you want to access. You find the Project ID in the left panel in your lab. |
The Firestore Collection ID ( |
The Firestore Document you would like to query ( |
The BigQuery Dataset name ( |
The BigQuery Table name ( |
This will open a new browser tab with Cloud Shell's service url.
at the end.What you copy will look similar to this:
collection:The Web Preview URL is output and looks similar to this:
and Project_ID
This URL opens in a new browser tab, and is redirected to the Web Preview for Cloud Shell with the fully composed URL. This composed URL queries the symbols/products/symbol
Firestore collection in your project.
The following is a portion of the data you should see returned:
with bq
with publicviews/ca_zip_codes?authuser=0&environment_name=default
for the sample BigQuery table that is included in the lab for testing.The URL should look something like this:
and Project_ID
You should see a page of results containing JSON data similar to the following:
Go makes the complex simple. One of Go's strengths is masking complexity (in this case Google Cloud access) into simple to use building blocks.
One of the most valuable features of Go is its portability. In this section you deploy the Google Cloud Data Drive app to App Engine without making any changes to the code. Deploying to App Engine allows you to maintain a running copy of your application without having to manage server infrastructure.
To deploy a Go app to App Engine standard environment, you must provide an app.yaml
file containing the application's service configuration settings. For the Google Cloud Data Drive application, the DIY-Tools/gcp-data-drive/cmd/webserver/app.yaml
file contains the following:
This specifies the Go runtime to be used, which URL requests to handle, and which port to redirect inbound web requests to. The Google Cloud Data Drive app sets its HTTP listener port to the value of the PORT environment variable. App Engine requires applications to listen on port 8080.
Go runtime
verison in app.yaml file:The deployment takes up to 2 minutes.
target url
in the output is the endpoint of the application, which you will use to test the application.
This command extracts the target url
for the first application in your project and stores it in an environment variable.
You deployed the application to App Engine, now try it out.
To access the application in your browser, construct the URL in the same way as you did when you access the application locally:
Parameter |
Description |
The base URL for the application from App Engine or Cloud In this case, running the application on App Engine, it is the
The Project ID of the Firestore Collection or BigQuery Dataset you want to access. You find the Project ID in the left panel in your lab. |
The Firestore Collection ID ( |
The Firestore Document you would like to query ( |
The BigQuery Dataset name ( |
The BigQuery Table name ( |
to call the application running on App Engine to query data from Firestore:This returns the same data that you saw previously in the preview browser window:
You should see the following data returned:
This returns the same data that you saw previously in the preview browser window:
You successfully deployed and tested a Go app that is capable of retrieving and returning data as a rest API at Google scale using the Cloud Shell and App Engine standard environment. You have seen how easy it is to access Google data platforms via Go and how Go’s code portability allows you to deploy it to a serverless platform, like App Engine, without modifications.
This self-paced lab is part of the Getting Started with Go on Google Cloud quest. A quest is a series of related labs that form a learning path. Completing this quest earns you a badge to recognize your achievement. You can make your badge or badges public and link to them in your online resume or social media account. Enroll in this quest or any quest that contains this lab and get immediate completion credit. See the Google Cloud Skills Boost catalog to see all available quests.
Deploy Go Apps on Google Cloud Serverless Platforms.
Go is a great programming language for Google Cloud. To learn more about programming in Go have a look at these resources:
...helps you make the most of Google Cloud technologies. Our classes include technical skills and best practices to help you get up to speed quickly and continue your learning journey. We offer fundamental to advanced level training, with on-demand, live, and virtual options to suit your busy schedule. Certifications help you validate and prove your skill and expertise in Google Cloud technologies.
Manual last updated April 08, 2024
Lab last tested April 08, 2024
Copyright 2025 Google LLC All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
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