[DEPRECATED] Google Cloud Datalab: Qwik Start recensioni
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    [DEPRECATED] Google Cloud Datalab: Qwik Start recensioni

    3272 recensioni

    Abheyjeet S. · Recensione inserita quasi 7 anni fa

    ran a little out of time.

    Cheyne W. · Recensione inserita quasi 7 anni fa

    The previous lab (Intro to Dataprep) provided the perfect time duration expectations. This lab did not have enough time and shut down before I had concluded work. Possibly reasons for this were an unresponsive console (which said it was completed only after I hit enter after waiting 5 minutes) and an unresponsive notebook, which was unable to run a print command within a 5 minute period. As I've gone through these I've begun to feel the left and right panes which house the outline (right) and user information (left) are a bad use of space and should be combined. I work through these tutorials with two windows open next to each other and space is at a premium. Not a fan of the ungit visual appearance compared to github.

    Scott S. · Recensione inserita quasi 7 anni fa

    Víctor B. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Junichi I. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Reena Myka D. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Poor. Poor instructions on how to get the instance started using the Google Cloud Shell. Also importantly, this feature is not exciting.

    Justin P. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Samuli A. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Denis S. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Denis S. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Denis S. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    There is not enough time allowed in this lab to complete everything when the datalab vm takes half the time to open. Also, should add note that you have to hide the menu in order to see the top bar of the shell window.

    Jessica M. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    It took so long to provision everything that in the end there was not really time to do the lab properly. Ungit did not match the screenshots etc..

    Sami K. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Heikki L. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    The time of the datalab shout take into account that the datalab provisioning took 10min (and it can take even more time like when I previously attempted the class).

    Jani-Pekka K. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Datalab provisioning takes 15min of the course and then SSH key propagation will not be ready -> course cannot be done. When trying to establish datalab again, DEBUG: SDK update checks are disabled. Creating the instance my-datalab DEBUG: Running [gcloud.compute.instances.create] with arguments: [--boot-disk-size: "21474836480", --disk: "[{'auto-delete': 'no', 'device-name': 'datalab-pd', 'boot': 'no', 'mode': 'rw', 'name': 'my-datalab-pd'}]", --format: "none", --image-family: "cos-stable", --image-project: "cos-cloud", --machine-type: "n1-standard-1", --metadata-from-file: "{'user-data': '/tmp/tmpYQJrII', 'created-with-datalab-version': '/tmp/tmpboW_Jp', 'for-user': '/tmp/tmpVjusxR', 'created-with-sdk-version': '/tmp/tmp3pCIOH', 'enable-oslogin': '/tmp/tmpvdIL81', 'startup-script': '/tmp/tmpL62qC_'}", --network: "datalab-network", --scopes: "['cloud-platform']", --service-account: "default", --tags: "['datalab']", --verbosity: "debug", --zone: "europe-west1-d", INSTANCE_NAMES:1: "['my-datalab']"] WARNING: You have selected a disk size of under [200GB]. This may result in poor I/O performance. For more information, see: https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/disks#performance. DEBUG: (gcloud.compute.instances.create) Could not fetch resource: - The resource 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-3a26ccd96746d1cb/zones/europe-west1-d/instances/my-datalab' already exists Traceback (most recent call last): File "/google/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/cli.py", line 797, in Execute resources = calliope_command.Run(cli=self, args=args) File "/google/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/backend.py", line 757, in Run resources = command_instance.Run(args) File "/google/google-cloud-sdk/lib/surface/compute/instances/create.py", line 465, in Run return compute_client.MakeRequests(requests) File "/google/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/compute/client_adapter.py", line 89, in MakeRequests errors, error_message='Could not fetch resource:') File "/google/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/compute/utils.py", line 106, in RaiseToolException RaiseException(problems, calliope_exceptions.ToolException, error_message) File "/google/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/compute/utils.py", line 118, in RaiseException errors)) ToolException: Could not fetch resource: - The resource 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-3a26ccd96746d1cb/zones/europe-west1-d/instances/my-datalab' already exists ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.create) Could not fetch resource: - The resource 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-3a26ccd96746d1cb/zones/europe-west1-d/instances/my-datalab' already exists A nested call to gcloud failed. Command: ["gcloud","compute","--verbosity=debug","instances","create","--zone","europe-west1-d","--format=none","--boot-disk-size=20GB","--network","datalab-network","--image-family","cos-stable","--image-project","cos-cloud","--machine-type","n1-standard-1","--metadata-from-file","startup-script=/tmp/tmpL62qC_,user-data=/tmp/tmpYQJrII,for-user=/tmp/tmpVjusxR,enable-oslogin=/tmp/tmpvdIL81,created-with-sdk-version=/tmp/tmp3pCIOH,created-with-datalab-version=/tmp/tmpboW_Jp","--tags","datalab","--disk","auto-delete=no,boot=no,device-name=datalab-pd,mode=rw,name=my-datalab-pd","--service-account","default","--scopes","cloud-platform","my-datalab"] Return code: 1

    Jani-Pekka K. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Ran out of time, very diffuse feeling set of information

    Samuli P. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Sheshank D. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    There is not enough time allowed in this lab to complete everything when the datalab vm takes half the time to open. Also, should add note that you have to hide the menu in order to see the top bar of the shell window.

    Jessica M. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    this took most of the class to make the datalab only had 4 minutes left

    John R. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Lab didn't have all the setup info in the begining. Then the SSH key distributiuon etc. took for ever.

    Markku L. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Sheshank D. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Setting up datalab took over 10 minutes so I didn't have time to finish.

    Jukka H. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Ari A. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Ari A. · Recensione inserita circa 7 anni fa

    Non garantiamo che le recensioni pubblicate provengano da consumatori che hanno acquistato o utilizzato i prodotti. Le recensioni non sono verificate da Google.