Menyiapkan Data untuk ML API di Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Ulasan
189733 ulasan
Deepak K. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
José H. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Alfin Nugraha C. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
First step google cloud storage file, for step2 you need to reconstruct the cluster which is referenced; for the tasks the upload links do not work, sadly, tried already, please fix; this lab blocks multiple courses; bucket upload now possible, but needs a BYPASS i.e. analyse at shell and upload from shell should be possible directly with admin rights; the dataproc job failures if ip check box is out like ordered; yesterday the jobs worked if not doing this, but not the nlp api tasks; look at account, got logged; after third sure: ONLY Blocking/Not ACcepting, jobs were done; would substitute the evaluator. I fixed it (dataproc cluster missing resource file can be fixed via run hdfs command in m-node ssh-ing), made all tasks correctly, but step 3 and 4 were not acceped, so still not completeable; made it in another project, it worked, but you still did not accept the solution; so why not? First idea from support for task 3 and 4 did not work either, sorry accepting of correct solutions is needed.
Christian W. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
murat o. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Jose Ernesto A. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Hedvig W. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Wentao Z. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Jayashree S. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Anderson D. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
SALVATORE V. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
It was difficult because on the first task, the table columns didn't match with the schema from the json file. Please include that as a hint
Diego F. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Venkata Anil Kumar V. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
BALANAMA B. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
BALANAMA B. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Nikhil M. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
I've been working on this lab since last night, and at this step, this error message keeps appearing (see image). I have already changed the region, but nothing resolves the issue.
Carlos Eduardo N. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Sivanandhini K. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
First step google cloud storage file, for step2 you need to reconstruct the cluster which is referenced; for the tasks the upload links do not work, sadly, tried already, please fix; this lab blocks multiple courses; bucket upload now possible, but needs a BYPASS i.e. analyse at shell and upload from shell should be possible directly with admin rights; the dataproc job failures if ip check box is out like ordered; yesterday the jobs worked if not doing this, but not the nlp api tasks; look at account, got logged; after third sure: ONLY Blocking/Not ACcepting, jobs were done; would substitute the evaluator. I fixed it (dataproc cluster missing resource file can be fixed via run hdfs command in m-node ssh-ing), made all tasks correctly, but step 3 and 4 were not acceped, so still not completeable; made it in another project, it worked, but you still did not accept the solution; so why not?
Christian W. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Rakshana B. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Kenrich S. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Sarah Z. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
C_072_Faiza N. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
Peter E. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
okemawo o. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu
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