Building Transformations and Preparing Data with Wrangler in Cloud Data Fusion Reviews

Building Transformations and Preparing Data with Wrangler in Cloud Data Fusion Reviews

13696 reviews

RAUL C. · Reviewed 21 ימים ago

Mykola M. · Reviewed 21 ימים ago

RAUL C. · Reviewed 22 ימים ago

RAUL C. · Reviewed 22 ימים ago

Marife M. · Reviewed 22 ימים ago

Trung N. · Reviewed 22 ימים ago

Kim Fong L. · Reviewed 23 ימים ago

This one was challenging

Kelby G. · Reviewed 23 ימים ago

Deepnita M. · Reviewed 23 ימים ago

Jim M. · Reviewed 24 ימים ago

Roy M. · Reviewed 24 ימים ago

Roy M. · Reviewed 24 ימים ago

this lab its so confusing and horrible

TRIANA C. · Reviewed 25 ימים ago

vinodh r. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

Luis D. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

Luis D. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

Jorge M. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

Brian M. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

mahesh m. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

student_02_9dde38410ad0@cloudshell:~$ export BUCKET=$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT gcloud storage buckets create gs://$BUCKET ERROR: ( "gcloud storage buckets create" only accepts bucket URLs. Example: "gs://bucket" Received: "gs://" student_02_9dde38410ad0@cloudshell:~$ gcloud storage cp gs://cloud-training/OCBL163/titanic.csv gs://$BUCKET ERROR: ( The cp command does not support provider-only destination URLs. student_02_9dde38410ad0@cloudshell:~$

Aysun A. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

Anderson P. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

Sebi J. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

need some back and forth to check that the instructions have correctly been implemented, but at the end the pipeline works. Always impressed

Alexandre W. · Reviewed 28 ימים ago

RICARDO B. · Reviewed 28 ימים ago

the instruction is not clear for the first step

Heng D. · Reviewed 28 ימים ago

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