Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run: Challenge Lab Reviews

Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run: Challenge Lab Reviews

13843 reviews

Marlon S. · Reviewed 23 ימים ago

Meghadeepa D. · Reviewed 23 ימים ago

Firly A. · Reviewed 23 ימים ago


efan w. · Reviewed 23 ימים ago

功祐 増. · Reviewed 23 ימים ago

gopi prasnna G. · Reviewed 24 ימים ago

Aurika T. · Reviewed 24 ימים ago

Vignesh R. · Reviewed 24 ימים ago

good lab

Monali S. · Reviewed 25 ימים ago

Vasile Stefan B. · Reviewed 25 ימים ago

Achyut S. · Reviewed 25 ימים ago

In the last assessment, the config in the table is not matching with the assessment requirement. The later states "Enable Authentication" while the former says "Unauthenticated."

Abhik B. · Reviewed 25 ימים ago

rheza w. · Reviewed 25 ימים ago

Sudarshan K. · Reviewed 25 ימים ago

AMIRULLAH H. · Reviewed 25 ימים ago

Anshul J. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

Mick A. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

Anshul J. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

Gnanamuthu G. · Reviewed 26 ימים ago

Tricky lab with no clear instructions, but I managed

Erik S. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

上手くビルドできないが、何が原因かこれまでのラボを確認しても理解できない。(1回目) パブリックサービスとしてデプロイしているが、進行状況を確認しても「Follow the lab instructions to enable a correct public billing service.」が表示される(2回目) 何故エラーが出ているのかが理解できない(3回目) サポートを貰わなければクリアできず、サポート頂いた内容もこれまでの4つのlabにないやり方となっていたり、labの説明も足りない点があるように感じた

智弥 原. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

Emre A. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

Jason T. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

Emre A. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

Patricia E. · Reviewed 27 ימים ago

We do not ensure the published reviews originate from consumers who have purchased or used the products. Reviews are not verified by Google.