Deploying the Oracle on Bare Metal Solution Ulasan

Deploying the Oracle on Bare Metal Solution Ulasan

4331 ulasan

Teymur O. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

There is a mistake with oracle server downloading - the procedure is not working properly.

Emil D. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Luis F. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Luister B. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Your instructions are not clear. One of your instructions states to go to the shelf, that is incorrect, you should SSH the bastion host. I got stocked with that. Also the Download instruction should specify that you should go to the more download pages to find it, by the way in the download page there was not a download for the Enterprise version, took me several tries until i found the download that finally work. YOU SHOULD PAY ME TO TEST YOUR LAB, haha.

teresa H. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Louis W. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

종석 박. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Matt K. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Michael P. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

micah k. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Ikechukwu E. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

micah k. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Ankit S. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Ankit S. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Kai Nang K. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

it doesn't have the bucket data where the script is located for 3rd part of the lab vertex ai connectivity.

Hill S. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Alvaro M. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Jhon R. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Bastian host not available

mukesh s. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

micah k. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Dániel M. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Dániel M. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Jhon R. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Dan T. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

Carolina C. · Diulas 2 bulan lalu

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