关于“Deploying the Oracle on Bare Metal Solution”的评价

关于“Deploying the Oracle on Bare Metal Solution”的评价

4332 条评价

Fail on Task 2 : Step 16. Unable to complete the scp file copy. Fail with the following message: [student-02-8892c7f797d1@bms-bastion-host ~]$ scp -l 28000 LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip oracle@$BMSIP:/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:DNeWO8jrDIl757hr91FHMiYvzCNtgAkMHu2QGp7Gqgc. ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:df:08:cf:d9:c8:f6:dc:d8:7b:87:a2:06:d1:0d:74:2d. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Host key verification failed. lost connection

Ahmed S. · 已于 5 months前审核

Unable to SSH from cloudshell, been able to advance a little from ssh window but then the ansible script failed. This is a really ill designed lab.

FERNANDO S. · 已于 5 months前审核

Ramesh C. · 已于 5 months前审核

I've success from the second try. At first time i had difficulties with: 1. Pasting IPs and other info into scripts - not everyting was intuitive as for previous labs. Maybe it would have more sense to add square brackets or '<>' to all places where info should be entered. 2. Had challenges with Oracle Database downloading - there is no 19.3 at the Oracle page so codline ' --output LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip' was confusing until i checked the copied url. 3. Creating notebook a little differs from instruction and doesn't have "Advanced options"

Oleksandr K. · 已于 5 months前审核

set up peering isn't very intuitive (i could succeed from the thirst try when changed all text after '=' in to respective project ID + Project ids weren't displayed when i've just signed in, so had to dive into projects. Also, dowloading Oracle Database took longer than expected and required new user creation.

Oleksandr K. · 已于 5 months前审核

Mumo V. · 已于 5 months前审核

garberoa w. · 已于 5 months前审核

Antonio B. · 已于 5 months前审核

Tal R. · 已于 6 months前审核

Tal R. · 已于 6 months前审核

Rocio M. · 已于 6 months前审核

Javier B. · 已于 6 months前审核

Vinay D. · 已于 6 months前审核

Arnaldo B. · 已于 6 months前审核

Edmilson S. · 已于 6 months前审核

Jaka N. · 已于 6 months前审核

UTEC -. · 已于 6 months前审核

Narasimham N. · 已于 6 months前审核

Роман Б. · 已于 6 months前审核

not a good configuration for the lab.

Leulesged K. · 已于 6 months前审核

Sagar C. · 已于 6 months前审核

makarim m. · 已于 6 months前审核

Andrea C. · 已于 6 months前审核

The steps to get 19c download URL is not provide in Oracle Website.

Joy w. · 已于 6 months前审核

Katerine A. · 已于 6 months前审核

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