AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell: Getting Started のレビュー
1889 件のレビュー
Lab needs a little more time due to not being able to copy and paste directly into the vm. I had to copy into notepad then copy into notepad in the server then into powershell
Beck Mark · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Import-Module : File C:\Program File loaded because running scripts is di At line:1 char:1 + Import-Module AWSPowerShell + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : Securi
Gudipudi Pradeep · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Import-Module : File C:\Program File loaded because running scripts is di At line:1 char:1 + Import-Module AWSPowerShell + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : Securi
Gudipudi Pradeep · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Import-Module : File C:\Program File loaded because running scripts is di At line:1 char:1 + Import-Module AWSPowerShell + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : Securi
Gudipudi Pradeep · 約8年前にレビュー済み
The lab provided good content and highlighted the features. However, the lab failed at numerous points and did not allow for starting the instance from the power shell or for setting up the last notification. The lab duration is also very close to the lab access and does not allow for any extra time to troubleshoot the issues.
Ruehle Tim · 約8年前にレビュー済み
sureshkumar pavithra · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Banda Damien · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Henderson Damian · 約8年前にレビュー済み
陆 剑平 · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Good material, however 1) a lot of time was spent waiting on instances to start, stop and terminate, longer than expected. 2) Lab isn't self-paced considering it's timed. Wouldn't be an issue if instances didn't take as long to start/stop.
Moore Randy · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Richardson Dale · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Benton Tim · 約8年前にレビュー済み
My timing to complete this small task was awful. Maybe it had something to do with staying awake from saturday till monday morning. Will finish the assignment anyhow. I recall I needed 68 credits and got 80 available for this course. Just another cup of coffee and eliminate distractions on second screen. The other distractions are legally hard to eliminate. Just so you know, it took me three times to just select the correct ami and instance size. Have you ever had monday mornings like this? -/2/ Couldn't restart the lab with same AWS ACCESS Keys. Will proceed on my own AWS Account now ignoring the time limitations and accepting the charges.
van der Pal Jelle · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Access denied for specified AMI_ID, had to use a different ID. SNS topic seemed out of place and random.
Helm Daniel · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Benton Tim · 約8年前にレビュー済み
This is a bit rushed. Could use another 20 minutes to go over more closely. Seems all there is time for is copy and paste with out learning what is going on here.
Allison Rob · 約8年前にレビュー済み
IAM permissions for changing the instance type didnt work. Everything else was good!
Wynne Owen · 約8年前にレビュー済み
It was a poor lab, because the cut/paste didn't work so it was hard to do the lab in time
Mack Rolf · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Alagesan Pugalenthi · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Stefancyk Gary · 約8年前にレビュー済み
sorry. due to work load, i am not able to complete my lab
Jha Anand · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Time was pretty tight. I would recommend to increase it. Also, the IAM user I was assigned by the lab didn't have permission to start instances.
Medina Mario · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Grudzinski Jr William · 約8年前にレビュー済み
Chipaila Andrei · 約8年前にレビュー済み
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