A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Reviews

A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs Reviews

1583141 reviews

Henrique V. · Reviewed about 1 month ago


Ana Meliza G. · Reviewed about 1 month ago


Miguel M. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Muhammad Rizal F. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Qolbi O. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Camilla H. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Staci Yariela R. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Joel G. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Dario M. · Reviewed about 1 month ago


Luis Torres T. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Gance G. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Very fine

Hector R. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Emmanuel A. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Francisco Javier C. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Faltou um pouco mais imagens ilustrativas

Felipe Daniel L. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

AndrĂ©s Felipe M. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Francis P. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Some naming is not accurage like student account

Raymond A. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Mireya A. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

very good, thanks

Matheus d. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Diana G. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

karen f. · Reviewed about 1 month ago


FREYDER ALDEVAN P. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Eduardo Antonio E. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Todo muy bien

Juan Daniel R. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

We do not ensure the published reviews originate from consumers who have purchased or used the products. Reviews are not verified by Google.