Introduction to SQL for BigQuery and Cloud SQL Reviews

Introduction to SQL for BigQuery and Cloud SQL Reviews

229546 reviews

Some of the expected results seem stale and don't match the actual output such as the final union (I got 629 rows in the end). Also, general product: GCP website seems bloated and not new user friendly

Emily M. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Last step doesn't look like tutorial even though all other steps were identical.

Anaya M. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Arturo A. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Ricardo Alberto C. · Reviewed 2 days ago


Diaz I. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Jason R. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Joshua M. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Noor N. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Nifty K. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Mateus P. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Amit A. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Jasbir S. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Mandeep K. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Jaskirat K. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Amarjeet K. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Vinh H. · Reviewed 3 days ago

7J2_I.CSD.C_NIKSHIPTHA R. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Preksha P. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Preksha P. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Michał G. · Reviewed 3 days ago

gagandeep k. · Reviewed 3 days ago

N.Sahithya G. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Allow additional time for students who need to type the commands in... Chrome on Chrome didn't work with the copy and paste

Yvonne H. · Reviewed 3 days ago

HASAN B. · Reviewed 3 days ago

杉田駿介 S. · Reviewed 3 days ago

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